Chapter 16

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Kimberley's POV

"I can't believe you just did that."

She looks at me once again in disbelief and I take a sip of the drink she's just given me.

We had just been in her living room playing on her brothers Xbox but had stopped the moment I had beaten Cheryl on FIFA.

I was pretty impressed to say I've only played it once or twice with Adam and she plays it quite often with her brother.

She didn't see it that way though.

"Let's never speak of that again."

I laugh into my glass at her embarrassment before placing my glass on her beside table and she smiles at me before pressing play on her laptop.

We had decided to watch friends because it's something we both like and in all honesty I thought it was better that we didn't continue playing FIFA but it doesn't mean I don't like teasing her.

"What? Not speak of me beating you at FIFA?"

She turns to look at me and I can't hide the smile that is breaking out on my face, at first her smile mirrors mine and then her eyes darken and I know she has a idea that I'm not gonna like.

Without any warning she pushes me sideways, then onto my back and straddles my waist.

Before I can react she digs her nails into my sides tickling my stomach. I've always been sensitive whenever someone tickles me and I can't hold in my laughter right now.

It was a good thing that her laptop was placed on her desk chair because if it wasn't I feel like it would have been knocked off the bed by now.

She laughs along with me as I try and stop her hands from tickling me but it's not working. I finally manage to push her hands out of the way and give myself a few seconds to breathe properly.

She seems to get annoyed at my attempts to stop her but luckily for me she stops tickling me.

Instead she pins my hands onto the bed and moves down so her lips are inches away but doesn't let me kiss her as I move forward with the intention of kissing her.

Before I can start to feel rejected in any way I feel her breath on my neck.

We both know I'm weak when it comes to her kissing my neck, I love it and she knows it.

I don't know what it is about her kissing my neck that I like so much, the feeling of her lips on my neck gives me a feeling I've never felt before.

She knows just what to do.

Each time she does it she does something new making me melt underneath her fingers.

So far she's just been placing little kisses along my neck but the last few kisses have been in the same spot and I know that she's just going to focus on this spot now.

She places a sloppy kiss in that spot, followed by another and her grip on my hands weakens meaning I can hold onto her instead.

My hands rest on her back pulling her into me while one of hers rests beside herself with her weight on and the other pushes the stray pieces of hair away from my neck.

High School (Chim)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz