Chapter 25

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Kimberley's POV

"We need to find you a guy."

I had just taken my book out of my bag and I had stopped what I was doing to see Sarah and Nicola watching me.

It takes me a few seconds to realise that Sarah had directed that statement at me. Just to make sure that I heard them right I question her. "I'm sorry?"

"I said, we need to find you a guy."

I take a deep breath as I realise I had heard them right.

They don't need to find me a guy but I'm not ready to tell them why, I've not even told my family. They don't need to find me a guy because I'm already in a relationship with Cheryl, but they don't know that. I do feel bad for not telling them, they're like my closest friends apart from Cheryl, but I just can't.

Not yet.

I laugh it off trying to act like I've got nothing to hide. "Why?"

It seems like Nicola is also on board with the idea because she speaks up this time. "Because we've been going on about guys in ages, it's time to find you someone."

It makes me smile as they did have good intentions but I really don't want them to find me someone because then I'd have to make up an excuse as to why I don't want to be with them or anyone else they may choose.

"Please don't." I hope that I'll be able to convince them without having to explain too much.

Both Sarah and Nicola look excited at the idea of finding me a guy and I feel bad for ruining their fun but I can't let them find me a guy. "I'm fine really."

It seems that Nicola won't take no for an answer. "Oh come on, you've not mentioned anything about guys since you've been here."

As soon as the words finishing coming out of Sarah's mouth she moves back slightly from us but her eyes never leave me.

"Wait are we saying the wrong thing?" She's got a smug look on her face and it actually worries me about what she's thinking about.

"What?" Nicola shares my confused look and I'm glad I'm not on my own.

We both look at Sarah hoping she would shine some light on our confusion. "Would you be happier if we found you a girl?"

For a split second I forget how to breathe.

My throat tightens up and I can feel my heart rate pick up. I can hear my own heartbeat.

She can't know can she?

I open my mouth not knowing what I should say but I know I should say something but I'm stopped as a big grin appears on Sarah's face and I can tell that she loves my reaction.

"Sorry I couldn't resist! I know you're straight, don't worry." She starts laughing and I laugh along with her to try not to make it too obvious, but I was definitely thrown off by that question.

I sigh in relief as Nicola and Sarah don't push the subject any further and instead start talking about the guys they know that would suit me. I don't stop them because I know that it would just set them off again but also because I find it interesting seeing what kind of guy they would put me with.

Luckily for me before this conversation continues any further our teacher quietens everyone so she can start the lesson.

Sarah turns around in her seat to face the teacher and Nicola smiles from beside me. It's clear now that she was just messing around and she doesn't know what I was worried about. I'm just being paranoid.

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