Chapter 23

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Kimberley's POV

As soon as I wake up I'm aware of the unusual warmth behind me but before I can start to wonder I remember exactly where I am.

I'm in Cheryl's room with her cuddled up behind me.

I look down and the arm rested over my waist confirms my suspicions.

I had had one of the most peaceful sleeps I'd had in a long time and I knew that was because of the girl laid behind me.

We had eventually stopped watching films and instead laid talking instead.

It then hadn't taken me long of being cuddled up to Cheryl to fall asleep.

I had been able to do what I'd wanted to do when we'd hung out together without worrying about being late back because I had stayed here instead.

Last night Cheryl had said that she would sleep on the sofa and let me have her bed but I liked that it didn't happen.

It made me feel comforted that she didn't expect anything to happen between us and she didn't assume just because we were dating that we'd sleep in the same room.

It happened naturally which is what I liked.

I certainly didn't mean to fall asleep when I did, I was just so comfortable feeling her arms around me and I still was.

I can feel her even breathing on the back of my neck indicating that she's still asleep.

I'd never laid in bed and cuddled someone like this before, sure I'd done it with my sisters but that's not the same. This is so much more intimate.

Honestly I feel closer to Cheryl than I've ever felt to someone in my life.

Which I know is dangerous, we're so different and nobody knows about us yet. Who knows how people will react to us.

I don't want to get my heart broken.

As if the thoughts running through my head can be heard out loud I feel her stirring behind me.

I hold my breath and stay as still as I can hoping that I wasn't the one to wake her up.

She settles down behind me and I think that she's fallen back asleep until I feel a kiss on the back of my neck.

Her arm tightens around my waist and as another kiss is placed on my neck I realise she's awake.

Not wanting to ruin the quiet atmosphere we have as quietly as I can I turn around under her arm.

She moves back just enough for me to be able to turn around but still stays close.

We're barely inches apart and I don't think I've ever been this close to someone yet somehow I don't find this unnerving.

I'm happy and comfortable and I know that's because I'm with Cheryl.

Anyone else and I wouldn't feel this way.

"Morning." You are definitely able to tell by my voice that this is the first time I've spoken today as it comes out all croaked but Cheryl doesn't seem to mind as she smiles before replying.

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