Chapter 9

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Kimberley's POV

I try and slip past the many people in the corridors on my way to English but it gets starting to get harder.

I've only been at this school for short time but I've learnt that as soon as the bell goes the corridors are not the place to be.

You'd think seeing as the bell went everyone would be going to their classes but it only seems like a few people are, most are stood by the walls chatting to their mates.

I had to stay behind to talk to my science teacher while Sarah and Nicola went to the loo so I said I'd meet them in English, it seemed like there wouldn't be a problem at the time but I now realise that it means I have to make my way through the corridors on my own.

I keep a tight hold on my bag making sure I don't drop it and try my hardest to get to my lesson without bumping into anyone.

There's a bunch of guys that I recognise from the football team messing around in the corridor in front of me, it is usually these guys that are causing the problems here and it looks like today isn't any different.

They're shoving each other around, kicking a football to each other and their laughter echos down the corridor.

I see a gap to the left side of them and seeing as my English class is the other side of them I take this as my opportunity to slip past them.

I try and get past without being noticed, I've found that's the best way from over the years of my time in school corridors.

Just as I get past them and think I'm in the clear, two young looking kids run past me causing me to step back so they don't bump into me.

It seemed like a smart idea at the time but instead this causes me to bump into the person behind me.

I jump slightly as I feel hands on my waist and I turn around to face the person holding onto me. If it wasn't for them having good reflexes then we would have been on the floor by now but that didn't mean I was comfortable with this person holding onto me.

"Woah, you alright there babe?"

His hands have moved from my waist but his gaze still makes me feel uncomfortable.

I don't know his name but he's one of the guys from the football team that I've just seen messing about in the corridor.

I haven't moved and I don't know what to say, I must look like a dear in headlights.

I turn around with every intention of leaving and getting away from these guys but it seems they have other ideas as I'm faced with the rest of his friends.

"Where are you going babe?" That word again, nobody has ever called me babe before and it doesn't feel right coming out of his mouth.

They all look at me expecting to say something but their eyes running over my body stops the words coming out of my mouth.

My throat has gone dry and I don't understand what they're looking at. I'm not pretty and I haven't got a good figure, I'm completely different from the girls I usually see them staring at.

"Damn she's fine."

I feel outnumbered.

"Oi lads, this ones mine."

They all laugh along with each other.

This is just a joke to them, like typical teenage boys but I bet they haven't stopped to think how I feel in all this.

These are the kind of boys that I stay away from, they make me feel uncomfortable. They laugh along with their mates and do what they want, not caring for the feelings of the people that are the punch lines of their jokes.

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