Chapter 10

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Kimberley's POV

Cheryl met me outside the gate just as we said and we were soon on the way to mine.

Adam had football and Amy had netball after school so I would have been walking home on my own, part of me is glad that I have someone to walk with.

It's not until we're half way home that it occurs to me that we could have done this work separately.

I could have done half of it and then passed it to Cheryl to finish it, or the other way around, I found out that's what Nicola and her partner are doing. Sarah is meeting up with hers just like I am but from the way she talks about him I think she likes him so she was happy to spend more time with him.

When I told Sarah and Nicola what my plans were for after school they seemed surprised that Cheryl was actually choosing to do work. Just like I was in the first lesson I sat next to Cheryl in.

We had just walked past the shop so we were only 5 minutes away from my house but neither of us had said anything in the last minute so I decided to bring up earlier again.

"Cheryl, about earlier. Thanks again."

She looked at me, adjusted her bag and gave me one of her amazing smiles.

"It's fine, I was walking past and I could see you weren't comfortable, I'm sorry if I over stepped my mark."

"No you didn't. I just don't like situations like that, they seemed to listen to what you were saying though."

"Yeah well we get on well."

She pauses as we get to the end of the street and it occurs to me that she doesn't know where she's going, she doesn't know where I live. I turn left and she follows me.

Part of me can't help but wonder if Ashley was one of the guys there today but she hasn't said anything and I didn't hear about him for her, plus I don't think we're good enough friends yet so I don't ask.

"I'm surprised you're not used to it." She said it quietly but I know that's what she said.

"What?" She seems surprised that I had heard her but she pushed it back quickly.

"It's just you're not exactly ugly are you, I'm surprised you're not used to the attention." She's got it wrong, I don't get attention and I like it that way.

"Nah, they weren't looking at me like that."

She laughs and I can't help but smile, I'm actually finding myself enjoying my time with her.

I nudge her with my elbow hoping I'll get a reply. "What?"

"They were! They couldn't take their eyes off you."

I can't help but blush, it's just a natural reaction. I'm not used to compliments.

"It's just..." I stop myself realising she wouldn't care, I shouldn't just be telling her anything.

"What?" She seems to notice my shyness and the smile she gives me convinces me tell her what I was just about to say.

"I never know what to do in situations like that, it makes me feel uncomfortable."

High School (Chim)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang