Chapter 17

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Kimberley's POV

I wanted to be anywhere else but school today.

I had considered pretending I was ill so I could have the day off but in the end I knew it was better to come to school today because I'd just be putting it off and I'll still have to go to school tomorrow.

I didn't want to have to face Cheryl again, I used to get nervous anyway when I was around her but after embarrassing myself in front of her yesterday it made me feel even worse about being around her.

I was too scared that she would have told someone and then everyone would know but so far nobody's acted any differently to me today so I assume she hasn't.

If something like that would have happened in my old school the popular girls wouldn't have spared a second before they told anyone. They would have done it straight away without even thinking about how the person felt.

So far I've managed to make it through the morning without catching eyes with her.

I hate the fact that I like someone when they obvious don't like me that way.

She wasn't in form but neither was Nadine or some of the boys she usually hangs around with so I assume they were all late today.

I thank my lucky stars that today is the only day I don't have any lessons where I'm sat next to Cheryl.

I know she did eventually make it in because I saw her with her friends as I was on the way to my first lesson but I don't think she saw me because I kept my head down as me, Sarah and Nicola walked past.

Sarah and Nicola hadn't noticed any difference in me but then I hadn't given them a reason to.

I had acted just like I used to because I didn't want anyone to guess that anything was wrong.

Sally had stuck to her word and not said anything to Dad that something had happened. She had quietly asked if I was ok this morning when there was nobody else in the kitchen but other than that she hadn't mentioned it.

"...and then he pushed all of his food on the floor before screaming the house down because he got put on the naughty step."

I laugh along with Sarah at Nicola's little brother's antics last night while Nicola doesn't look impressed.

"It's funny for you but you didn't have to sit there and listen to his screaming."

This only caused me and Sarah to laugh even more.

Nicola pulls a moody face so I wrap my arm around her and give her a squeeze to cheer her up. It seems to work and we go back to eating our lunch with a smile on our faces.

We had been sat here for a while , I had almost finished eating, but it didn't matter because I enjoyed their company.

I hear a group of people laughing loudly over the other side of the hall and I turn around to see who it is.

My smile is lost slightly as I see that it is the group of boys that usually hangs around with Cheryl and once one of them moves to the side slightly I realise that Cheryl and Nadine are there too.

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