Chapter 18

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Kimberley's POV

I ignore the part of my brain worrying about how tonight will turn out and I knock on Cheryl's door.

It's Friday night, the night of our first date and to say I was excited was an understatement.

There was the obvious nervous that are present when I do anything new but I tried not to think about it.

The only time I had seen her today was in Maths, I would usually see her after school while she was waiting for her friends and I was waiting for Amy and Frankie with Nicola but I had drama tonight so I left later than everyone else.

She had text me earlier saying that her family were out for different reasons so we had the house to ourselves.

I had told my dad that I was going over to Nicola's for a takeaway and he seemed to have no problem.

He didn't know where Nicola lived and if he needed me he'd just ring me on my phone and I'd come back so I didn't have to worry about being caught out.

Our plan was to order a takeaway and watch films and I was really looking forward to spending this time with Cheryl.

We'd spent time on our own before but now I actually knew what was going on.

This was our first date.

Weeks ago I would have never expected to be going on a date with her.

I never expected all those flirty looks and longing gazes to turn out this way.

Since we had spoken the other night we had got on really well in the lessons we were sat together and I really hoped tonight would go well.

Before I could think about anything else the door in front of me opens.

It's starting to get dark outside so the light shining from inside blinds me slightly but nothing stops me from seeing Cheryl stood in the doorway.

"Hi." I'm actually proud of myself when my voice sounds normal, not uncertain and quiet like it normally does when I'm around Cheryl.

She replies with a very smiley hello before taking my hand and pulling me into her house.

Her smile beams as she stands next to me in the hallway.

I thought she would have just left me to take my shoes off but instead she stands with me. She had let go of my hand so I was able to take my shoes off but she hadn't moved.

I place my shoes next to the others that are in the hallway and before I've even stood up properly I find myself being pushed back into the wall behind me.

As my back hits the wall she stands in front of me so close that I can feel her body against mine, all of her body and I know realise why she stayed in the corridor with me.

I flash her a smile just before she connects our lips and I wrap my arms around her waist just to let her know that I don't want her to pull away just yet.

Her kisses had become addictive.

I hadn't kissed her since the other night when we had had a heart to heart and she had asked me on this date and I found that I missed being on my own with her.

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