Chapter 5

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Kimberley's POV

As we enter the living room I'm surprised at how big it is. The house as a whole is quite big, and it looks like they've moved the sofas to the edge of the walls so there's more room.

The lights are down low so it's hard to make our faces, I try to recognise anyone I know but I don't get the chance as Sarah grabs my hand and starts dancing with me and Nicola.

I'm not used to dancing like this with so many people around me but there's so many people that nobody can really see how you're dancing, as long as you're moving along to the beat you fit in with everyone else.

We've not even been dancing for a few minutes before I raise my cup to my lips and take a big sip of my drink, it's very warm in here and I'm definitely feeling it.

As we continue dancing Nicola catches my attention. "Damn Kimberley, you've got some moves."

I just laugh in reply as I'm not quite sure what to say in reply. I didn't think I was dancing particularly well, I've been doing drama all my life which means I've had to take a few dance lessons but I've never really danced like this before. All I'm doing is moving my hips and staying in time to the beat and they seem to love it.

Sarah seems to love it as she slaps my arse and I roll my eyes at her behaviour.

A group of people enter the room and we move over to make room for them. It's a group of boys and two girls in the middle, it's not until my eyes adjust properly that I realise that it's Hannah and Cheryl.

Cheryl doesn't particularly look like she wants to be in this room but she laughs along with Hannah as she drags her into the middle of the dancing area. She does however look happier when Hannah turns round so her back is to Cheryl and presses up against her while moving her hips along to the music. It seems to entertain the boys a lot too.

Me, Sarah and Nicola end up moving up slightly and as we move positions I find that I've got a good view of Cheryl. I don't have to turn my head, she's just behind Nicola so whenever I look at Nicola I can't help but also see Cheryl.

Hannah has turned back round so they're facing each other now, which means she has her back to us, and they seem to like dancing together.

I watch Cheryl's body moving to the music and I can feel myself getting warmer. Her hips move in perfect time to the music, she's definitely done this before.

Hannah moves closer to her and moves her hips in time with Cheryl's, a move that I can only describe as sexual.

Some of the boys around them cheer as they see Cheryl reciprocating the move. They don't seem to care that they have many boys watching them as they dance in their own little world.

I try not to stare too much but it's kind of impossible, practically everyone in the room is watching them. I'm rather proud that I'm still able to keep dancing with Nicola and Sarah while neither of them seem to notice that I'm watching Cheryl.

I can't even describe how good she looks, it makes me extremely jealous.

I wish I'd I could like that at some point in my life but I know that it's not likely.

My eyes travel up her body and I almost lose my footing as I notice that Cheryl's eyes are watching mine. By the smirk on her face and the twinkle in her eye I knew she had been watching me as I was running my eyes over her body.

Deciding that there's nothing else I can do I, and the alcohol in my system is giving me a bit of confidence, I smile back at her. I see a surprised look on her face as its probably the first time I've smiled back at her when she's smirked at me like that.

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