Chapter 4

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Kimberley's POV

It's strange walking down the corridors when it's empty. I'm used to them being busy and full of people.

Normally it's hard to get through without bumping into anyone but now there isn't anyone in sight.

I had just gone to the bathroom after coming out of drama club, I had heard about drama and decided to join because I love doing it at my old school.

It's on after school on Fridays but I don't mind staying behind and what made it even better was when I found out that Sarah does it as well. I never really thought of her as a theatre girl but it seems like she has a hidden passion for it, she doesn't seem too excited about the acting parts but I can tell that she loves singing.

Usually there is a big production put on at the end of the year and this year the drama teachers are planning on doing a musical which made both me and Sarah very excited. They haven't decided which musical they want to do yet so we've got a few weeks of smaller acting sessions before we start doing auditions for the parts.

Sarah was being picked up because she had a dentist appointment and I really needed the loo so I said goodbye to her a few minutes ago and as I exit the building into the courts it looks like most people have left.

The main door bangs behind me as it does when anyone leaves it to close on it's own making me jump slightly. I suppose people don't want to stick around at school after hours on a Friday for any longer than they need to.

One other advantage of finishing now is that my dad said he would be driving past school, as he finishes early on a Friday, so he would pick me up so I don't have to walk home.

There's no cars outside and I haven't got a text from him to say he is here so I lean against the wall that runs around the front part of the courts on the left side of the gates.

I don't mind waiting for a while because even though it's been cloudy today it's been quite warm and after a busy day I quite like the quietness.

There's a quiet familiar bang some distance behind me and this time I'm proud that I don't jump. I focus my attention on my phone expecting whoever just came out of the building to walk straight past me.

I look up as I see someone stop a few feet away from me and my heart drops as I see who it is.

Cheryl Tweedy.

As she recognises me she gives me her all too familiar smirk and I suddenly don't like the fact that I'm on my own with her.

I'm not able to figure her out and that makes me uncomfortable. She's not the kind of girl that would usually look at me let alone speak to me, she's popular and I'm not yet that doesn't seem to have stopped her from speaking to me before. In my old school the popular girls didn't speak to anyone that wasn't popular, including me. I've got used to being ignored by the popular girls all my life.

She leans against the wall facing me on the other side of the gate and part of me is happy that she stayed over there instead of coming any closer.

"Has the good girl been in detention?" Her question throws me off slightly and I don't know what it is but for the first time when I've been around her I seem to find my voice.

"No, I've been at drama." She raises her eyebrows slightly at my answer, she's probably surprised that I've actually said something to her because she's not the only one, I am too.

She doesn't say anything in reply and instead just stands there watching me.

The tightening feeling comes back in my stomach and I feel very uncomfortable under her gaze as it feels like it's running all over my body.

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