Chapter 28

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Kimberley's POV

I appreciate her letting me know who she is but part of me wishes she would just tell me why she's here. If only she could hear what was going on inside my head, but if she's going to be polite then so will I.

"Oh erm hi, is everything okay?"

She pauses for a second, a second which seems to go on for way too long, before indicating for me to follow her. "Amy's in my office, she's had a bit of an upset this morning and she's asking for you."

Knowing that Amy's involved and asking for my I immediately quicken up my walking pace. The concern for Amy being the only thing on my mind. "What happened?"

It only takes her a few seconds to answer but it feels like a lifetime in my head. "It seems there was an altercation this morning between Amy and a few students in her year."

She must see the look of surprise on my face so she continues. "Amy's not in trouble, the other girls are, unfortunately it seems like she was the victim in this situation."

Victim? "Is she hurt?"

"Not that we can tell, she's upset though which is why when she asked for you we agreed to come and get you."

I take a deep breath and ask the question I want to know the answer to but then part of me also doesn't. "What happened?"

"From what we've gathered a few girls in Amy's year have been teasing her for a while and while we don't know if anything physical has happened before today, a teacher caught the girls throwing Amy's bag over the side fence before pushing her up against the fence."

"What? Why?" I couldn't get anymore words out, Amy was a sweet girl. Why were they picking on her? Mrs Robins must sense that I'm not going to say anything else so she keeps on talking, by now we're walking down the geography corridor so I know I'm not far from Amy now.

"Yes unfortunately girls can be quite mean but it looks like we've managed to get a stop to it now. From speaking to everyone involved it seems like Amy was in the wrong place at the wrong time, there's no reason for us to think she was targeted, she was on her own but I assure you that the girls involved are in a lot of trouble."

I was still finding it hard to take in what had happened or how word hadn't got round. It's a small school someone else has bound to have seen it but then again it seems like the teachers are on top of it.

We turn the corner, walking through Amy's year area but she stops us both before we enter her office.

"I will have to ring your parents later to discus the incident but rather than disrupting Amy anymore and bringing them in now we thought you might be able to calm her down enough to keep her in school."

My response is only a nod, still too stunned to say much, and now I'm certain that she's brought me here to help Amy feel better.

With my response Mrs Robins finally opens the door to her office and as we enter two teachers turn to look at me but I'm not focusing on them. The only one I'm focusing on is Amy.

She's sat in the corner chair of the office, bag on the floor next to her, with her sleeves pulled over her hands and she's picking on part of the blazer cuff, something she always does when she's nervous.

Her eyes jump up to mine and as I make my way over to her she stands up. Even though Mrs Robins told me that Amy doesn't look hurt I can't help but run my eyes over her checking there's nothing that wasn't there this morning. I can't see any physical marks but straight away I can see the tears in her eyes. She's not crying but she doesn't look far off it either.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02, 2020 ⏰

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