Chapter 14

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Kimberley's POV

"Nicola and Sarah, yeah I know them. I used to know Nicola well when she was younger."

We had spent the last 5 minutes talking about our friends, she had told me how she had became friends with Nadine and the boys and she was now curious about who I hung around with.

"She never mentioned that."

"Yeah well we just grew apart. So how did you make friends with them?"

"I was put next to Nicola in my first lesson and we ended up doing group work with Sarah, they showed me around for the rest of the day and we just got on I suppose."

Once I've finished speaking we're both distracted by Cheryl's phone going off from the bed beside us.

She picks it up and reads the text she received while I watch her.

She really is beautiful.

Her hair is still perfectly curled and not one bit looks out of place even though we've been laying on her bed for the last half an hour, I don't even want to imagine what mine looks like.

She types out a text before I assume sending it and then she gets up and places her phone face down on her desk on the other side of the room. She plugs it in the charger that was over there so she does have a reason for putting it over there but I can't help but feel like something's off.

"Is everything ok?"

I sit up and her attention is moved back to me.

"Yeah, it was just the boys asking if I'm coming out tonight." She got up so I bet she wants to go.

"Oh, I can go if you want?"

"Nah, can't be bothered." She slowly runs her eyes over my body, starting at my feet and ending as she looks in my eyes. "Plus I'd much rather do this."

For a second I'm about to ask her what she means but then her intentions are made very clear to me.

She climbs back on the bed and places herself on top of my lap.

Her lips go straight for the exposed skin of my neck and it takes all I can to not squeeze her hips too hard. I can't explain the feeling she gives me but it feels so good.

She slips her tongue out and I let out a breath I didn't even realise I was holding.

I think she's been able to guess that I like it when she kisses me on the neck, she did it when we were kissing earlier and I couldn't keep quiet then.

Although as much as I love it I'd rather have her lips on mine.

I have no clue what I'm doing but my hand reaches up to her chin intending to guide her back to my lips. As she feels my touch she plus away and looks at me questionably.

I smile to let her know I'm ok and I lean forward to connect our lips.

I feel her smile against my lips and she doesn't waste time before parting my lips with her tongue.

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