Chapter 13

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Kimberley's POV

I needed to talk to her.

Tuesday is the only day of the week that we don't have a lesson together.

The one day I've managed to not see her is the one day I wanted to see her.

I haven't seen her and I needed to talk to her.

No matter how much I tried I wasn't able to get her out of my head.

I liked kissing her but that's not me, I'm not that kind of person, I don't just kiss people because I want to. But then there's nobody else I want to kiss, it's just her.

What if she told someone? She wouldn't do that would she?

In my old school the popular kids would spread stuff about people all the time, even if it wasn't true.

I had seen her at lunch but she looked busy talking to Nadine and I was in the middle of a conversation with Nicola and Sarah so I knew that if I talked to her then it would look suspicious.

I didn't want to have to wait until tomorrow.

I had debated texting her last night but when it came down to it I realised I didn't want to have this conversation over a phone.

I needed to know what was happening, I knew what I wanted to happen. I wanted to kiss her again.

Me and Nicola were waiting for Amy by the gate as we do every night. Well I do every night, Nicola didn't have anything after school so her and Frankie were gonna walk half way with us.

"Ah here they are!"

I turn in the direction of the main school door and notice Amy and Frankie walking out towards us and I can't help but also notice Cheryl and her friends are behind them.

I've been wanting to see her all day but once again there's no way I'd go to see her when she's with her friends.

I've still not spoken to any of them yet since starting here and I probably wouldn't have spoken to Cheryl if we weren't sat together all that time ago.

Once Amy and Frankie are with us we're about to set off walking until I notice that Cheryl's friends start to walk away but Cheryl stays where she is.

Instead she focuses her attention on her phone and leans against the wall beside her.

This is the first time I've had a chance to speak to her all day so I didn't want to miss it.

"Sorry but I'll be back in one second."

I leave Nicola, Amy and Frankie where they are and go over to Cheryl. She doesn't notice me until I'm only a few steps away but she seems happy to see me as she smiles.

Before she can say anything I make sure to speak first. "Hey, can we talk?"


As I open my mouth to speak I stopped when someone walks past us and says bye to Cheryl. Cheryl replies but I stand there awkwardly and it's only now that I realise that there's too many people around us and too many people watching us for me to say anything I want to.

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