Chapter 3

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Kimberley's POV

"Kimberley! Wake up!"

Amy's voice makes me stir and I fell her pushing against my shoulder. I ignore her and push my face further into my pillow, I had heard my alarm go off earlier but I had simply turned it off and rolled back over.

I was too tired, I didn't want to get up today. It was only my second day at this new school but I was too tired.


She gives me another shove against my shoulder and from experience I know she'll continue this until I actually get up.

Just before she moves her hand away from me I quickly spin over and grab her arm. I pull her into me and she's laughing as she falls onto my bed beside me.

I've got a double bed, which was one of the advantages to moving here, so there's enough room for both of us to easily fit in but instead I pull her into my side where I know I can keep my grip around her tight.

"Kimberley!" She's laughing at my behaviour now but nevertheless cuddles into my side.

"Hmm morning."

"Morning, mum says you need to get up now if you want breakfast." I decide against eating this morning as I don't feel hungry.

"Nah, I'm not hungry. Have you eaten?" I didn't really care about eating myself but I always like to make sure that Amy is eating.

"Yeah, I had some cornflakes."

"Good." I kiss her on the top of her head. I'm surprised mum is sent her up here to see if I wanted breakfast, she usually doesn't really care, maybe she's just trying to make a new start?

If she is she's gonna have to do a lot more than wondering if I want breakfast to make it up to us.

We do have moments where we're like we used to be, when our family was perfect, but it always changes when mum and dad start arguing again.

It's not like I have a bad relationship with my mum but then we've not got the best one anymore. We had a perfect relationship until her and dad started fighting with each other and suddenly her attention always seemed to be elsewhere.

That was a year or so ago now and I guess that's why me and Amy have such a good relationship, I do act like her mum sometimes.

Sometimes it feels like Amy's younger than she actually is, she's 12, the youngest of our family so whenever our parents have been fighting we always make sure she's ok, she's just a vulnerable young girl so I don't mind.

It's only now that I realised that Amy is fully dressed, it must be a lot later than I thought it was.

"What time is it?"

"Quarter past 8, we've got to leave in 15 minutes." I groan because I know I really need to get up now.

"Come on then, let me get up."

She giggles before climbing out of my bed, she moves over to my mirror on my wardrobe and fixes the small bits of hair that had stuck up from when she had been laying in my bed.

I watch her looking at herself through the mirror, she's a very pretty girl but doesn't have much confidence, something that is very common in this family.

Sally's the only one with real confidence at the moment but I know that is due to her last boyfriend, he made her feel special and wanted so her own opinion of herself gradually started raising. I know this from the many chats we've had about boys especially when Sally was dating him.

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