Chapter 21

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Kimberley's POV

"Miss Tweedy! If I hear your voice once more this lesson when I'm speaking I will send you out."

She slams her textbook down on Cheryl and Nadine's desk as an added effect and we all watch as she looks as if she's on her last straw.

Mrs Marks had stuck to her word and moved Cheryl into different classes, unfortunately for our science teacher she hadn't really met Cheryl before and thought it would be alright to let her sit where she wanted seeing as she had given us all that chance too. Luckily for Nadine Cheryl was moved in our class meaning that they were able to sit together.

I was a little bit sad that I wasn't sat next to her but I had Sarah and Nicola either side of me and she had Nadine so it would have looked weird for us to have sat together.

She had given me a cheeky smile as she had walked in and I got eye contact every now and then which was fine by me.

Personally I hadn't heard Cheryl talking that much this lesson but then I was at the other side of the classroom to her and I had been speaking to Sarah and Nicola for most of the lesson so I hadn't really been listening out for other people's voices.

It had gone quiet the second our teacher had raised her voice and it seems like everyone is waiting for Cheryl to say some sort of comeback but instead she keeps quiet.

"Thank you." The teacher lets out a sigh of relief, picks up the book that she had previously dropped on the desk and goes back over to her own desk.

"As I was saying, can anyone tell me what kind of reaction we would get, if any, when we mix these two chemicals together." She indicates at the glass beakers in each of her hands and I stare blankly at her because I honestly have no clue what she's talking about.

I don't even know what chemicals she had in the beakers.

I had spent the majority of the lesson staring off into the distance waiting for the lesson to finish, science was not my strong point.

I look around the classroom and realise that nobody plans on answering her question, whether it's because people actually don't know or don't care I'm not sure.

"Ok then, can everyone gather around my desk and I'll show you what happens."

The chairs around me scrape against the floor as everyone moves to gather around her desk. I move slowly because it's something I'm not really bothered about and by the time I get to the huddle of people I'm right at the back.

Nicola and Sarah are directly in front of me looking a lot more interested than I am, in fact most people look interested but then again most people prefer watching practicals rather than having to write.

The advantage of being behind everyone means I can lean against the table behind me so I do just that.

It seems like two other people had the same idea as me when I notice people stand beside me and it's not until I look over I realise that it was Cheryl and Nadine.

I smile and Cheryl returns it before moving to lean on the desk next to me.

Nadine starts picking at her nail varnish on her fingernails and Cheryl faces forward as if she's actually paying attention to the experiment. I can't see the experiment because of the amount of heads in front of me blocking my view but I had noticed earlier in the textbook she had given out it had a full explanation of the experiment.

I'm always better at doing work when I'm at home so I'll just make detailed notes later to make up for the fact that I haven't payed attention.

I block the teacher's voice out and instead look out the window that's placed along the side wall but before I can properly focus on anything I jump slightly as I feel a hand on my back.

High School (Chim)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora