Four Double Shots

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Robin shook her head frantically. "No way," she said, waving her hands in protest. "You've already helped enough. I'd feel bad taking them." Her words were met with deaf ears as Ellie continued to make four perfectly matching double-shot Americanos. She poured the coffee from the mugs into takeaway cups and put on the lids before putting the tray inside a paper bag, filled cups included.

"The bag should help keep the coffee warm for longer, but I think they should stay hot for a good few hours on their own anyway." Ellie pushed the bag into Robin's arms and then held her hands in the air to avoid being given the coffee back. "Before you protest any more, this is the least I can do. I would go as far as to offer you a temporary bed in my flat until your heating is fixed, but considering we're strangers, that could be a bit weird."

Robin laughed a little and nodded. "Fair enough." She took her hair out of the bun and ran her hand through it, letting it spread out across her back. Ellie couldn't help but admire the long wavy lines of blonde. She made a mental note to dry her hair in a bun the next time she had a shower.

"Well, see you around then?" Robin put her hand on the door handle, looking back at the coffee shop. 

Ellie nodded and put her hands in her trouser pockets. "Sure thing. If you need to get warm again, the shop's open tomorrow from eleven. Feel free to pop in any other time as well, ok?"

Robin's eyebrows raised in surprise but they settled down quickly. "Yeah, ok then. I'll try not to get your furniture soaked next time though, I promise." She opened the door and waved before heading out into the dark winter night. 

Ellie waved back and she watched as Robin walked past three more houses before going inside the fourth. She really did live close. "Strange," Ellie muttered.

A/N: Please leave any suggestions or ideas you have :) I love seeing what you guys think and I'm always open to adding in your ideas. Hope you're enjoying this! Happy reading. 

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