The 400K Super Special Bonus Chapter

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A/N: Ok so here is the 400K special bonus chapter to celebrate the craziness that is you guys loving this lil story I made. The idea for this chapter is that it sits between 'Out Of Time' and 'Caramel Latte' aka when Robin asks Ellie to be her girlfriend. It's short and sweet but I hope you like it and THANK YOU AGAIN for reading Coffee Beans :)

Ellie sat down on the sofa, putting two mugs of tea on the coffee table. It had been a very long day and to say she was looking forward to watching 'The Great British Bake Off' would be an understatement.

"Tea and biscuits ready?"

The brunette looked over her shoulder and smiled at Robin, the blonde holding a blanket in her arms. Ellie moved to one side of the sofa so Robin could sit down, before leaning back and being engulfed by the warmth of both the blanket and the blonde's arms.

"There is tea, there are biscuits, and I remembered to record it this time so we won't miss the beginning."

Robin kissed the top of the brunette's head and laughed. "Yeah, I'm not sure missing half of the signature challenge is worth doing again; that was stressful."

As the title music began to play, Ellie snuggled into Robin's arms and smiled to herself. Sure, the shop was quite possibly doomed. And yes, the mere thought of it was enough to make her cry, but right there, at that moment, she couldn't have felt calmer.

"Can I ask you something?" The blonde's voice wavered slightly as she paused the TV.

The brunette sat up and nodded her head. "Of course you can. What is it?"

"I know you're worried about the coffee shop at the moment and everything's kind of hectic, but," the blonde bit her lip, unsure of the right words to use.

"Your tea is getting cold," Ellie mumbled, half joking and half curious as to why now, of all times, Robin was silent. "I suppose I'll have to eat your biscuits too..."

"No, wait," the blonde said, giggling at Ellie's mischievous smirk.

"Say what you're going to say, or I'll have to drop the custard cream in your tea."

"You wouldn't."

"Try me."

"Ok, fine. Will you be my girlfriend?"

Ellie blinked slowly, the custard cream still precariously poised above Robin's mug of tea. "Pardon?"

"I know it's daft but I just feel so at home with you and I don't want to leave your side if I can help it. I just, I can feel myself falling for you, Ellie, and I don't want to ignore those feelings any more."

The brunette placed the custard cream back down on the plate of assorted biscuits, her jaw hanging open. She hadn't expected that. Yeah, they'd kissed a couple of times so maybe she should have expected it but still. She hadn't expected that during bake-off? The blonde must have been gathering up the courage for ages if she'd interrupted their favourite TV show.


Robin raised an eyebrow at the brunette. "Ok?"

"Yeah, ok, sound good. Can we watch TV now?"

"Uh, yeah, ok," the blonde looked crestfallen until Ellie burst out laughing.

"Sorry, that was mean. I'm sorry, I should have taken that more seriously."

Robin shoved the brunette and rolled her eyes. "I'm meant to be the teasing one."

Ellie shrugged. "And I'm meant to be the nervous one and yet here we are." As she smiled at the blonde in front of her, she saw a glint shimmering in the lucid colour of her iris. Robin was so beautiful it honestly took her breath away.

The brunette leant in towards Robin, their lips meeting in a way that was too soft for Ellie's liking. Deciding Mary Berry could wait a bit longer, the brunette placed one of her hands on Robin's waist, the kiss becoming more passionate and desperate. The blonde reacted accordingly, caressing the side of Ellie's face as she slid down the sofa. It was only as the blanket fell off onto the floor with a soft thud that they broke apart.

Ellie was breathless but she didn't care. Well, she cared about Robin. "Is this ok?"

The blonde looked confused. "Is what ok?"

"This. Me kissing you."

"Oh, it's definitely more than ok, Ellie. But don't feel like you have to do this if you don't want to." The blonde took Ellie's hands into her own and squeezed them gently. She was surprised as the brunette squeezed back before leaning in once again.

In any other relationship, Ellie would have waited for the other person to make the first move. In a way, Robin sort of had. Either way, the brunette felt under no pressure to be the first or to wait. She felt safe and confident and that had never happened before. She loved it and, as she grinned against the blonde's lips, she could quite honestly say that she loved Robin too.

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