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To Ellie's surprise, Robin stayed firmly in the position of till extraordinaire as she served customer after customer. Even more surprising was that not one of the teens, elderly folk or businessmen that came in complained. Not once since she opened the shop did a day go by without Ellie getting one complaint, minimum. It was usually someone running late and moaning about the service being slow. She had no choice in the matter with how fast the coffee machine worked so all she could do was apologise and move onto the next person. 

The time she'd spent working with Robin was a completely different story; they worked as a near perfect team. As Robin took orders, Ellie was able to start immediately on getting the coffees done. Then Robin would get any cakes that had been asked for, by which time, both the drink and food was ready for the customer. The afternoon soon turned into Monday rush hour and herds of people with suits and briefcases came through the door. There was even a queue onto the street for a short while. 

Still, Ellie and Robin were able to work as a team to serve them all without complaint. Every now and again they'd bump into each other and heads were even bumped a couple of times. However, it didn't hurt too much so they laughed a little and shrugged off the pain. It seemed to amuse the customers so, if anything, it was a win-win for everyone. 

"You tired yet? Robin asked as she packed some muffins into a takeaway box. 

Ellie laughed from the coffee machine where she had six mugs being filled with freshly ground beans. "I never get tired of this," she replied. The queue slowly but surely died down and the shop started to empty as people returned home for dinner. Looking up at the clock, Ellie was shocked to see that it was nearly seven o'clock. 

"Oh my gosh," she muttered. "I'm so sorry Robin; I forgot to get us lunch. I always forget that the lunchtime rush means I need to eat something as well."

"Do you always worry this much?" Robin said, re-organising the cakes in the fridge. 

"Well," Ellie thought for a moment. "I don't think I do." She threw her hands up in the air and sighed. "Either way, you still haven't had any more lunch that I've had. Will you let me make it up to you?"

Robin wiped her hands on a tea towel and remained silent for a minute. She put the towel on the worktop, wiping down the smooth, wooden surface. "What do you have in mind?" 

Ellie could hear the smile in her voice as she tried to find an answer. "I have absolutely no idea but I'm open to suggestions."

"Ok then; if we skipped lunch, how about you get me dinner?" 

A/N: I could never skip lunch or any meal for that matter XD As always, let me know what you think with a comment :) Feel free to leave suggestions or ideas of where you'd like to see the story go and happy reading :3

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