Chapter 1

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There is less Draco in this book, not as much as most of you would hope for. This book is kind of a filler book to show her friendships and develop them ready for the next book. If you read until the end I promise it gets better and I can promise that there will be more Draco in the next book, tons in fact and that book will be the turning point for them. The next book will be longer as I will be making the deathly hallows tie in book as one not two like the movie so trying to cover everything, I want to add into it. There will be shocks, surprises and loads of Draco Malfoy 😊 thank you for sticking with us throughout this long journey, its been a while my writings a little rusty so please be nice 😊

Chapter 1

I had spent all summer with the Weasleys, Molly was so kind to let me stay here. I had intended to go to Uncle Amos' house but at the last minute, I changed my mind. He never responded to my owl and I didn't want to feel as if I was imposing on him in some way, he was still grieving from the loss of Cedric and was in his own little world. Losing his sister probably didn't help matters either and I didn't want to add on for him, I sent Emerald with owls every so often letting him know how I was getting on, I never got a response but I hoped that he was reading them.

To show my appreciation to Mrs Weasley I had started doing chores around the house bits and bobs to mostly keep me busy and in turn Mrs Weasley had added me to the Weasley clock in which it told her where everyone was. Things in the world had started to change even in the muggle world you could tell, I liked to sneak out and explore the muggle world and you would here about crazy things happening. There was a bridge the other day which had went to, the muggles blamed it on extreme winds eyewitnesses had said they felt the wind moving past them before the bridge went down.

But us we knew what it had really been, death eaters they had finally started attacking the world. I imagine this is what it had been like last time Voldemort was in power. There were rumours Diagon alley had been attacked but there was no new reported in the daily prophet, some businesses had closed. Of course, Mrs Weasley said we had no business attending Diagon alley until we needed our supplies for school, which was soon. I always found it funny she said that since the twins had set up Weasley wizard wheezes there, it was there new joke shop and by the sounds of it, it was doing well. I had grown closer to Ron when being here but it was completely platonic and once Hermione had arrived that was it we were inseparable I still valued Ginny she was my best friend but she didn't come out of her room as much too busy with sending owl messages to Dean. She was there however, when I needed her

I was currently sat on my bed holding a book in hand which I was not even reading I heard shouting out in the hallway and the mention of Harry and an owl screeching. At this I looked across at Hermione and we both stood up making our way over to the door and heading out into the corridor. Once there I leaned over the stairwell to see Ginny at the bottom looking up at most of the other Weasleys.

"Was that an owl I heard?" Hermione asked at the same time I said, "did someone say Harry?"

"It's Harry's owl apparently he's roaming around the house."

"Really?" Hermione said with a smile on her face

"Really." Ginny chorused it surprised me once I heard another really and Ginny ran out of eye view Hermione and I both smiled at each other as we ran down the stairs and quickly into the kitchen where Ginny was hugging Harry.

"Harry." Hermione and I exclaimed as they pulled apart and we both ran over to hug him at the same time. By this time most the Weasley family had made it to the kitchen.

"Why didn't you tell us you were coming?" Mrs Weasley asked as she finished hugging Harry.

"I didn't know." He responded "Dumbledore."

"That man, but then where would we be without him." Mrs Weasley replied smiling. We all smiled in recognition at her.

It was later that night and I felt like I was imposing as I knocked on the door to the attic. I heard the squeak of the door as it opened, and I was met with Hermione.

"I don't want to impose but is it ok if I join?" I asked her. It felt strange asking as I spent most evenings with her and Ron, Ginny occasionally, but it was different with Harry here.

"of course." She said as she opened the door shutting it behind me as I sat down on the floor.

"when did you get here?" Harry asked Hermione.

"a couple of days ago although I wasn't really sure if I would make it here or not." Hermione said looking at Ron.

"mum kind of lost it last week, said we had no business going to Hogwarts that it was dangerous." I remembered Mrs Weasleys episode last week, it was crazy I was scared she would stick to it and not allow us to return.

"even the muggle world is changing, things are happening Harry." I told him.

"how about you, when did you get here?" he asked me.

"I've kind of been here all summer, I didn't go to my uncles." Harry nodded in acknowledgment.

"we'll be safe at Hogwarts." Harry said. "Dumbledore's there. "

"there's actually been a lot of chatter about him, claims he's too old." Hermione told Harry.

"that's rubbish I mean he's only...." Harry started

"a hundred and fifty." Ron finished

"give or take a few years of course." I said as we looked at each other and laughed. 

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