Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

I hadn't been walking the corridors that long and hoped I was going the right away. I hoped Draco had been heading back to the Slytherin common room so I followed the path he would take there. I was walking down the corridor as I saw Harry run from a room in shock as I opened the first door in front of me and hid in there, I waited until I heard footsteps run past the room and I stuck my head out.

The coast was clear, I took off in the direction of the room Harry had came from, the closer I got the more I could see the water coming out of the room. I ran in the room to see Draco on the floor, blood in the water around him and Professor Snape with his wand out muttering away. Draco eyes landed on me as I stared at him, he let out a small groaning sound.

"Draco." I whispered as I looked at him in shock at the sound of my voice professor Snape spun around and looked at me.

"Miss Cliff, I think it's best if you leave."

"I can help." I let out as I made my way forward.

"no miss Cliff you can't, so I suggest you go back to your common room and tell no one of what you've seen." I looked from Professor Snape to Draco.

"go." Draco muttered as he groaned in agony. Snape looked quizzingly between me and Draco before he turned back to Draco and continued muttering with his wand held over him. I nodded at Draco as I ran from the room and straight to the Gryffindor corridor in hopes I'd find Harry there.

I was right, I thought as I walked into the Gryffindor common room. Harry was here, surrounded by Ron, Hermione and Ginny.

"where have you been?" Ginny asked me as she saw me and the others looked at me, I popped a fake smile on my face as I looked at them.

"owlery, why what's up?" I said acting as if I didn't already know, they all looked at Harry for an answer.

"I used the book , a spell on Malfoy. It was bad he was bleeding a lot I don't know what would have happened if Snape hadn't have come in."

"it's the book, you need to get rid of it, I know just the place." She said as she stood in front of Harry and offered her his hand. He took it as they left the room and I was left with Hermione and Ron.

"are you ok Amanda? You've been acting strange the past few days." Hermione said looking at me as I started feeling sick in my stomach, about to tell another lie again.

"I'm sorry Hermione I haven't been sleeping well the past few days, I think everything's just catching up on me." She looked at me as she smiled at me sadly.

"nothing to be sorry about Amanda, just checking you're ok."

"of course, thank you Hermione." I said placing my hand on her shoulder as I walked past her.

I slumped down on my bed in the dormitory, I couldn't help but wonder if Draco was ok. He told me to go so he must know that Snape would help counter the spell Harry had cast on him, I slumped my head to my pillow. It was getting harder to hide the secret I was keeping, my friends could tell there was something different about me. I hated to say it but I had to get better at this lying thing if I was going to have to keep this secret for any longer. I could feel my eyes drooping as I lay on my pillow and let the wave of tiredness overcome me.

*my dream was different this time, I was at the burrow the home of the Weasleys. But this time the dream was different my father was stood there with both my mum and Draco at his feet.

"you've given me no choice Amanda, if you won't join me then you have to decide which one dies." I started shaking my head at him.

"dad no, I can't do that."

"there blood will be on your hands unless you join me. So what will it be join me or watch one of them die, who will you choose." I started shaking my head as I felt tears leave my eyes, could see him raising his wand and I covered my ears so I couldn't hear the sound of the spell.*

I was shook away by Ginny.

"Amanda, what are you doing asleep it's the middle of the day." Ginny took one look at my face as her expression was replaced with concern.

"have you been crying?" she asked me, I quickly wiped my eyes and sat up.

"bad dream, it was nothing."

"Amanda you can tell me what's wrong."

"nothing Ginny, I'm fine. Like I said bad dream, now why were you shaking me awake for."

"oh nothing really, just to tell you I kissed Harry."

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