Chapter 3

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Chapter 3 

I was navigating my way through the corridor of the train trying to find somewhere to sit, I eyed a compartment with Ginny and smiled opening the door.

"hey Ginny, where did you run off to?" I asked her, I looked to the side of the compartment and there was Dean Thomas. "ahh never mind I understand now." I said as I laughed and backed out back into the corridor and bumped straight into Pansy Parkinson.

"uggh watch where you are going." She simply said and smiled sarcastically.

"Pansy." I exhaled. "Always a pleasure."

"you want to be more careful Cliff, next time I might not be as forgiving."

"oh, I can only imagine the ruthlessness you will bear down on me." I replied as I shoved past her and carried on walking. I opened the next compartment and walked into none other than the person I wasn't ready to face yet.

He was dressed head to toe in a black suit which was startling next to his head of white hair, I didn't know if it was possible but it looked like his skin had gotten lighter over the break, like he had never seen the sunlight in a while. My heart skipped a beat as I looked at him, trying to not make it obvious. I looked straight into his grey eyes; I could see the smug smile arrive on his face as I sighed.

"Cliff you're in my way." He said simply, I looked him dead in the eyes as I replied.

"I'm sorry Malfoy, I didn't realise you owned the train." I could have sworn I saw him flinch as I said Malfoy, but I just ignored it.

"whatever Cliff." He said as he barged past me and I carried on walking straight past him.

I finally found a compartment with Harry, Ron and Hermione in it and sat down with them.

"so, what do you think it was then?" Harry asked them as he looked at me. "it was a ceremony, and initiation of some sorts."

"what's this?" I asked them.

"we saw Draco and his mum when we were at Diagon alley, they looked like they were up to something, Harry thinks he's become a death eater." I gasped in shock; Draco wouldn't do that would he?

"Harry that can't be true." I told him. "as much as he's annoying, I don't think he would become a death eater."

"yeah what would you know who want with a sod like Malfoy." Ron replied.

"Hermione saw it."

"I don't know what I seen."

"plus, his dads a death eater." As Harry said this Hermione kicked him with her foot Harry made eye contact with me.

"I didn't mean that." Harry picks up his cloak "I need some air." I looked after him in shock.

"he didn't have to leave, its fine." I told them.

"he'll be fine Amanda." Hermione assured me. "it's Harry, he just needs some air, you know what he gets like." I nodded as I let my head lull against the window allowing the sound of the train to take over as I closed my eyes.

*I was stood in a field in the middle of nowhere, there was fields for miles. I kept looking around before running trying to get anywhere but the more I ran the more fields there was. I stopped panting and bent over.

"where you running to?" I heard as it sent shivers down my spine. I looked up and was met with the face of my father. I gulped and looked at him.

"looking for this?" he said as he held up his hand and I could see it full of hair, I looked down to see my mum at his feet trying to claw his hands off her. She looked so scared.

"let her go." I told him.

"join me and I will." I looked at my mum shaking her head telling me no as I felt tears running down my face.

"please let her go."

"do I have to hurt her, my own wife for you to join me, you should be like me. I'm your father!!!" he shouted at me as I flinched away from him.

"if I can't have you both I choose none." He says as he holds up his wand, I started to scream I try to make him let go as he looks straight at me.

"this is your fault. *

"Amanda, we are at Hogwarts." Hermione brings me out of my nightmare as I open my eyes batting away the tears that had formed behind me eyes.

"I'll go and get dressed." I said not making eye contact with them and making my way out of the compartment with my uniform. I didn't even notice that Harry was still not with us.

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