Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I caught up with Draco and the death eaters pretty easily, I didn't turn behind to see what was going on with Harry and Snape. If I did I would have wanted to help and right now there was only one thing I could concentrate on.

Bellatrix heard me coming as she turned around with her wand raised.

"well what do we have here?" she said as the rest turned around, Draco looked at me shocked.

"you told me I was off limits." I said gesturing to Greyback as he smirked at me. "I want you to take me to my father."

"want to join us do you?" Bellatrix asked me smirking.

"I want to see my father." And my mother I added in my head. "and you can take me with you."

"fine, Draco take her wand we don't want her turning on us." She gestured for him to move forward as he looked at me. I fell sick having to part with my wand, I had no protection. They could kill me right here and not even take me. I took a deep breath and held out my hand with my wand in it.

Draco slowly walked forward and took my wand as Snape joined us and he eyed me.

"what are we waiting for?" he asked as he looked at them all. "time we left don't you think."

"Draco take the girl." Bellatrix said.

We were stood in the entranceway to what seemed to be someone's home.

"Draco stay with the girl until her father gets here." Bellatrix said as they walked away and I was left stood with Draco Malfoy.

"What are you doing?" he whispered to me.

"I don't know maybe after seeing Dumbledore be killed I didn't think my mum was in the best of hands." I told him simply.

"I don't think you understand what its like here."

"I don't care I'm here for my mum."

"and how are you leaving without a wand." He questioned me as I turned to look at him, he was right but I didn't have time to think about that right now.

"you know what you get no say in the matter when you lied to me. You promised me that no one was going to get hurt but you cursed Katie, poisoned Ron and then got Dumbledore killed." He flinched away from me.

"I didn't want you involved." He told me simply as he ruffled his hair. "we can't do this here, we aren't meant to be friends."

"right now I don't think we are anything." I said as I heard a door opened and turned around to be met face to face with my father. He hadn't changed much since I seen him, apart from he hadn't shaved, was wearing all black and his eyes looked like he hadn't slept in a few months. He smiled smugly at us both.

"Draco thank you for waiting with my daughter you can go now." He said as Draco looked at me and walked away. My dad turned back to look at me.

"I knew you would join me, I'm disappointed it took this long."

"where's mum?" I asked him.

"do you think you get to see her yet? I don't believe you are fully on our side so far now..." I looked at him as he paused and took out his wand. Before I could run anywhere I heard him shout "stupefy." I was knocked off of my feet and I hit the wall falling to the floor, I could feel my eyes closing as the darkness overcame me.

This is the end of book three hopefully wont be too long until I can start uploading some chapters of the fourth and final book. This wasn't my favourite book to write as I knew there wasn't going to be much Draco in it, I promise the next book will have more of them in it together and I can't wait to explore what's going to happen now she's reunited with her dad 😊 

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