Chapter 6

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Chapter 6 

"ginny Weasley if you don't get out of bed this instant, I'm going to tip you on the floor." I told her simply. Her and Dean had an argument, and she wasn't taking it so well.

"leave me here."

"please Ginny, don't leave me lonely. If you stay in bed, I will climb in beside you and stay there until you decide to leave." She eyes me sideways.

"you couldn't have anymore sleep." She told me simply.

"put on your big girl pants wipe away them tears and get down to quidditch try-outs now. Show him you're not bothered your worth ten of him." She smiled at me.

"fine you twisted my arm." She said as she laughed and got out of bed. "show him I'm not bothered." I heard her muttering to herself.

I was sat in the bleachers with Hermione watching try-outs, I yawned into my hand as Hermione looked at me.

"surely you can't be tired." She told me.

"not tired just not that interested in quidditch practice, I only cam to get Ginny to come." Hermione nodded at me in agreement.

"how are you doing?" she asked me. I wish everyone would stop checking in on me all the time, I mean it is nice, but all the time gets a little bit annoying.

"I'm doing good, I just wish I could find my mum."

"the order will find her Amanda, I'm sure of it." The look on her face said otherwise, I could tell she didn't truly believe what she was saying. I mean witches and wizards have been going missing for a while now and no one has been able to find them. I doubt I will find my mum until my dad wants me to.

"he's just wonderful, isn't he?" I heard a voice say as I turned around to see Lavender Brown pointing at Ron.

"marvellous." I replied to her. I looked at Hermione as she stood up and walked away and I followed her.

Sometimes I wish everyone else could see what I saw it was obvious Hermione had some hidden feelings and you could practically see the sparks coming from Harry and Ginny I just sit back and watch it all unfold.

We were back in the common room and I was sitting mindlessly by the fire as I heard Ginny say, "who's the halfhalf-blood prince?" I got up and stood beside her eyeing the book she had in her hand. Harrys potions book

"who?" Hermione asked.

"it says right here this book is the property of the half-blood prince." I said reading over Ginny's shoulder.

"I'll just take that." Harry said as he took the book and walked away, Ginny shrugged as Hermione sighed. I followed after Harry

Harry." I said as he turned around as he sat down in the corner of the common room.

"have you come to tell me I should return this book as well?" he questioned me. I held up my hands in mock surrender as I sat down.

"I actually came to tell you to be careful, if that book has anything in that we don't know about it could be dangerous. So please only use it for class, and whoever this half-blood prince is, ignore all his writings. For all you know he could be crazy."

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