Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

I was making my way into the grand hall as I was presented with a sight for sore eyes. Standing in the entrance was Katie surrounded by Leanne and several other of our class mates.

"Katie." I exclaimed as I ran over and hugged her. Whatever enchantment she had fell prey to was beyond Madam Pomfrey's skills and she was sent to St Mungos. "how are you?" I asked her.

"I'm doing better." She nodded at me as I let her go.

"how are you Katie?" I heard Harry say as I eyed him. I hadn't really spoken to Harry since the other night when he stormed out of our conversation. I understand how it would have sounded to him like I was defending Draco and in a way I was but I couldn't let them know that. Draco promised me that no one would get hurt and I believed him I truly believed that he wouldn't harm anyone.

I left Harry to speak to Katie as did the other girls as I went to join Hermione and Ron.

"how is she?" Hermione asked me.

"doing better, I expect she is still rattled from what happened." I told Hermione as she nodded in agreement. "how about you Ron? You doing any better?"

"I'm feeling better, do you know how Lavender and I broke up she seems a bit annoyed." I looked at Hermione as she eyed me.

"no but Roni don't think it was the right fit, maybe for the best." He muttered in response, I figured he was trying to think about how it happened.

"I heard about the other night." Hermione said as I looked at her. "with Harry."

"I wasn't defending him Hermione but without proof he can't go around accusing people."

"I know, but you have to admit it is a bit strange."

"it is it's all strange, but when have things ever not been strange since we started coming to Hogwarts, there's always something happening. I stick by Lupin we can't go around turning on each other until we have proof." She looked at me as if to respond as I looked away and helped myself to a sandwich.

I was watching Harry and Katie inventively wondering what they were talking about as Draco walked through the door. He took one look at Katie and I didn't think it was possible but it seemed as if he went paler as he retreated from the room, not without Harry quick on his tail.

I stood up to follow, no good was going to come from this.

"where are you going?" Hermione asked me.

"lost my appetite." I simply said as I made a beeline for the door but was intercepted by Charlie.

"hi Amanda, can I ask you something?"

"sure Charlie." I responded quickly.

"would you mind helping me with my divination homework, I can't seem to get anything right in this class."

"of course, I'll help you later in the common room. I must go though I've got a few things to do."

"are you ok?" he asked me looking at me with concern.

"yes I'm fine Charlie." I said doing my best at trying to smile at him.

"you know I'm here if you need anything, right."

"of course Charlie." I said holding him by the shoulders and moving him slightly out of the way. "we will catch up properly in the common room later when I help you with that homework. But right now I must go feed Emerald she gets cranky when unfed." I said as I siled and made my way out of the room.

Now where the hell was I meant to start looking, I thought looking at the two corridors I front of me. Go left I thought as I took off.

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