chapter 10

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Chapter 10 

School had gone by pretty quickly, Gryffindor won our first quidditch game. Ron had his very first girlfriend Lavender brown. Hermione wasn't best pleased about that; even if she wouldn't tell you in so many words. I was preparing for Slughorns Christmas party we were all to bring a date with us. I had banked on Harry but forgot to tell him and just assumed. He didn't. he was bringing Luna, I was happy he had a date to bring but that left me dateless, Neville had offered to cater the party and didn't want to go back on his word. I tried asking Seamus, but he was scared there would be some kind of potion making going on and he would blow something up as per usual. So here I was dateless to the Christmas dinner party, but I didn't mind.

"I feel bad that you aren't taking anyone Amanda." Hermione said to me, she was referring to the fact I had never asked Ron to accompany me.

"Hermione it's fine I don't need a date, anyway I wouldn't have asked him. If I did, I think Lavender would hex me." Hermione laughed at me as I turned to face her. "and if I have no date it means I can save you from Cormac, I can't believe you're going with him." She groaned at me.

"please don't remind me."

"come on Miss Mclaggen." She gave me an evil stare as I walked out laughing.

Professor Slughorn out done himself the room was decorated in the most beautiful greens, reds and golds perfect for Christmas time. It is packed with people, hopefully no one will notice I don't have a date. There was a photographer taken photos who I was trying to stay out of the way of, so he didn't ask for a phot of me and my date. Everyone who was in the room had been a member of the slug club at some stage.

"drink?" I turned around to see Neville standing with a tray beside me.

"Neville you could have come with me, I don't mind you didn't make the cut." I told him again

"I know but I had already agreed to serve, and I was a little embarrassed I didn't make it in."

"hey Neville, you never have to be embarrassed around me, we are friends we stand by each other no matter what." He smiled at me.

"I must go see if anyone else would like a drink." He said raising the tray he was carrying.

I walked over to Harry and clinked my glass onto his.

"where's Luna?" I asked him.

"mingling." I looked behind Harry and saw two feet sticking out of the hanging behind him.

"what about you Hermione?" I questioned as Harry eyed me, I grabbed a hold of him and stepped behind the hanging to come face to face with Hermione, the lipstick smudged and her hair a little messed.

"I've just escaped Cormac."

"that's who you invited." Harry said as I laughed. "you knew." I nodded along

"I thought it would annoy Ron the most."

"Dragon tarter." I heard a waiter say as I put my hand up and shook my head.

"oh god here he comes." Hermione said as she ran, I pulled Harry back out into the party room.

"I feel sorry for her." He told me

"me too, Cormac is persistent I'll give him that." I looked at Harry eying Slughorn.

"go on, I'll be fine." He nodded and made his way after Slughorn. I stood by myself for a while mulling my drink in my hand, I popped it down ready to leave as I heard a voice.

"unhand me." I looked over to see Draco moving himself out of Filch's grip, what was he doing here.

"this boy claims to have been invited to your party." Slughorn shakes his head and looks in my direction.

"unless he is Miss Cliff's date." I nearly choked on my breath as I made eye contact with Draco.

"ermm no I'm dateless on purpose." I said as Slughorn eyed me.

"fine I was gate-crashing."

"I'll escort him out." Snape said as he grabbed Draco and they left the room. Harry walked over to me.

"I know everyone keeps telling me I'm wrong but you can't tell me there isn't something off about Malfoy this year." I looked at Harry.

"Harry you can't go throwing accusations around without proof."

"I'll find proof." Harry said as he slumped away. My stomach was in knots I agreed with Harry there was no reason for Draco to be this far away from his dormitory unless he was going to the astronomy tower. Harry's words play over in my head from the train ride. I watch Harry as he leaves the room and I follow him, I stay out of site as I watch him spying on Snape and Draco talking, I was too far away to hear what they were saying, keeping my eye on Harry to make sure that he didn't see me. He only walks away as they leave, and I make sure to hide out of his view before running after Draco.

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