Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

It had been a few days since my conversation with Hermione and quite frankly it was still on my mind it was all I could think about. I needed to know if Draco Malfoy was a death eater. The only problem is I couldn't find him, sure I saw him in classes I couldn't exactly ask him there and other then that he was never around the castle these days. Not like he used to be tormenting people, in fact he was barely with his friends at all which made everything even more suspicious.

I had taken myself up to the owlery to feed Emerald and also send her on her journey, it had been a while since I had owled uncle Amos and had decided to send him a letter it simply read:-

Uncle Amos,

Christmas was enjoyable if not eventful, I hope you enjoyed yours. I was sorry to hear that you weren't able to make it to the Weasleys to celebrate with us. I hope you liked the scarf I got you, fitting that that's the present I received off Mrs Weasley.

Hope to hear from you soon

I sent Emerald on her way as I made my way down from the owlery I bumped into Nigel and Charlie.

"hi boys." I said to them as they smiled at me.

"Hi Amanda, you going for some lunch?" I nodded at them as I started walking in sync with them.

"so how are you enjoying your classes this year, you enjoying being 3rd years?"

"we have divination." I laughed at Nigel's response.

"I remember that class well, just run with whatever professor Trelawney says, it'll help you get by."

"is it true Harry got the grim in his tea leaves."

"yes I suppose it is, although it wasn't the harbinger of death. Anyone would know that life at Hogwarts is eventful"

"life at Hogwarts is eventful since Harry potter started, my mum says it wasn't this eventful when she came here."

We had made it to the great hall and I had spotted Ginny.

"ell boys, I'll catch up with you later." I said as I broke off from them and went and sat next to Ginny.

"it's been a while my friend." I told her.

"it's been two days since we have had a proper conversation." She retorted.

"correction." I said as I loaded my plate with food. "it's been a while since we have had a normal conversation that doesn't involve you know who and all the weird things going on." She nodded as a response. "So Ginny Weasley how are you and Dean Thomas." She grimaced at his name.

"we have actually decided to be friends, but don't tell anyone no one knows."

"is this for good this time or will there be another chance in the future?"

"this is it, I just don't think we are the perfect fit." I added in my head because he's not Harry.

"well plenty of more fish in the sea Ginny Weasley, there is someone out there for you."

"and for you." She added.

"yeah that's the last thing I'm thinking of at the moment. Speaking of relationships how is Ron? I feel like I never see him since he and Lavender became an item. Every time I go next to him she shoots me daggers with her eyes." Ginny laughed at me.

"yeah she's a little bit possessive of my brother, god knows why."

"quite a catch is our Ronald." I replied as she looked at me and laughed.

"I missed this, being normal it's like all we are is caught up in the drama."

"because that's all we have Ginny is drama." I eyed Malfoy from the corner of my eye, how had I not realised he was in the grand hall, I mean he hasn't mean here in a while I don't even think he eats anymore.

"well it's nice to not have it for just a second." I saw Malfoy as he stood up and made his way toward the doors.

"it's been really nice, but now I have homework to do. I'll catch up with you later." I said as I practically sprinted out of the grand hall to catch up with Malfoy.

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