Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

I was on the train home to the Weasleys for the holidays, although Tonks said I could stay with them for a couple of nights and that's what I was doing. It would be nice to spend some time with Tonks, she was pretty cool and for being part of the order she was fairly young.

I had sat with Ginny, Neville, Dean and Seamus. I was too scared to try and find Ron, Hermione and Harry in case Harry had seen a peek of me yesterday hiding out waiting for him to leave so I could talk to Draco. I was brought out of the book I was reading as the compartment door opened.

"room for one more?" Hermione asked as I squished up next to Neville and made room for her.

"not sitting with Ron and Harry?" I asked her.


"want to talk about it."

"not really." She replied, I simply smiled at her as I carried on reading the book in my hands and ignoring the boys in the compartment and there joking on.

I was sat on my bed within the Weasley house, book in hand.

"what are you reading?" Ginny asked me as I looked up at her.

"oh, just some light material." She plucked the book out of my hands as I groaned.

"the book of spells?" she asked me.

"yes, it makes for good reading all the spells." She eyed me knowing that I wasn't giving her the full truth. "fine I would just like to be prepared on spells to know that would come in handy should I need them in the future."

"why would you need to know as many spell as possible?"

"have you seen the situations we get ourselves into? Just last year we were attacked my death eaters, need I go on. I've been reading up on them but I haven't practiced them obviously." She shook her head at me.

"your turning into Hermione." I laughed with her.

"yeah I'm not that smart, although I could dream."

"you did good in your exams, despite the interruptions." Ginny said referring to when her brother interrupted them with fireworks. I don't know how I did it but with what was going on I did manage to come out with some pretty high marks, I mean I did always wan to be an Auror and that hadn't changed so I had kept up pretty well with my studies.

"speaking of your brothers, where are they?"

"they'll be around somewhere." No sooner had Ginny said this they appeared in the room, I jumped a little.

"did someone ask for us."

"ok I hate when you do that.

"yeah privacy." Ginny added.

"you worry to much little sister, we were already outside listening in. who reads a book of spells in their spare time." George said eyeing me.

"it's better when snooping around trying to find your Christmas presents George Weasley. "

"that was Fred." He said pointing at his twin as I laughed as Fred shoved George.

"you'll never find your presents there not even here." I told him.

"Tonks." They both replied as I laughed.

"I knew you would look so I sent them to Tonks for good measure, they will arrive here in time for Christmas morning. "

They both sighed and muttered something about me being no fun as I laughed at them.

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