Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

I hadn't seen much of Draco since that moment, but I trusted him and I had told no one his secret. I felt bad that I was hiding something so big from my closest friends but they wouldn't understand. Harry was already condemning and I'd have to explain the whole thing and I'm not sure exactly where I would start.

"there's something wrong with Ron." I was pulled out of my thoughts my Ginny who was standing in front of me a look of concern on her face. I jumped up from where I was sitting and followed her out of the common room.

I was stood in the hospital wing surrounding Ron's bed, apparently he had drank some mead which was laced with something. Harry saved his life.

"I think we can all agree Mr Potter's actions were heroic but why were they necessary." I wasn't paying much attention I was too busy watching the obvious concern that was wrote on Hermione's face as she was sat on Ron's bed holding his hand.

"this looks like a gift Horace, do you remember who purchased it?" Professor Dumbledore asked as he eyed Professor Slughorn.

"I had intended it as a gift for someone else."

"may I ask who?"

"you, Headmaster." I looked at Professor Dumbledore in shock, someone had meant to poison the Headmaster.

"where my Won-won!" I heard as I rolled my eyes as Lavender Brown came bust through the hospital wing doors. "what is she doing here?" she said referring to Hermione. I stepped away from Ginny ready to defend Hermione as Ron started to stir. "see he senses my presence." She moved towards Ron eyeing Hermione as she got closer to him.

"Hermione." Ron let slip from his lips as I let out a small snort covering it up by coughing. Lavender looked me dead in the eye and scowled as she stormed out of the room.

"Come everyone, I think Mr Weasley is well taken care of." Dumbledore told us as he ushered us out of the room, I turned around and smiled at Hermione as I could see a small blush on her cheeks.

"about time don't you think." Ginny said as we left the room.

"it's a bit strange don't you think." I muttered to Harry and Ginny in the common room. "I mean who would want to poison Dumbledore."

"Death eaters." Harry said as I looked at him. "I mean Malfoy is definitely up to something, why else would Snape make an unbreakable vow" I thought back to my conversation with Draco, he promised me no one would get hurt.

"even if Malfoy is a death eater Harry, do you really think he is capable of hurting someone and not just someone but Dumbledore."

"we don't know what he is up to and none of us know what Malfoy is capable of." I do, and he certainly isn't capable of hurting someone.

"Lupin was right at Christmas Harry." I told him "we can't turn each other especially when you have no evidence but a gut feeling."

"we have evidence, Snape is protecting him and he's acting strange, more than usual."

"until you catch him dong something we don't have concrete evidence Harry." I told him as he got up and walked away, I sighed.

"why are you defending him?" I looked at Ginny. "Malfoy." I realised now that I had probably just acted to invested in what Draco was doing than I should have around my friends.

"I'm not Ginny, I'm just saying if we don't catch him in the act then we have no proof." She nodded at me, I couldn't tell if she looked convinced at my story or not.

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