Chapter 14

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Chapter 14

I was ready to leave standing next to Tonks and Lupin, I had said my goodbyes earlier and got my stuff together as the Weasleys talked business with Lupin and Tonks. I would be heading back in a couple of days just in time to spend some time with the Weasleys before returning to Hogwarts. Mrs Weasley grabbed me by the shoulders.

"you be good you hear." I nodded and smiled at her as she hugged me tight, Mr Weasley patted my back and smiled at me.

"you can stay a little longer." Mrs Weasley directed at Tonks, Tonks stared at Lupin who had moved away from us then at me and back to Mrs Weasley.

"we should go." Gesturing to the moon above us. "Remus needs his rest."

"Remus." Mrs Weasley tried to get his attention as he stared out into the grass.

"Lupin, are you ok?" I asked him as he ignored me as well.

"there's someone out there. I can smell him, but he's not alone." I looked out into the grass as I slung my bag higher on my shoulder and pulled out my wand.

The grass is set on fire in patches in front of our eyes as Bellatrix Lestrange makes her way out of the grass with a couple of death eaters, I gripped my wand in my hand. Harry rushed past me and I nearly tumbled over from the force of it.

"Harry" I shouted as he chased after her, Lupin chases after Harry as the boys, Hermione and Ginny finally came out of the house.

Mr Weasley started to make his way forward after Harry and Lupin as Ginny rushes forward and jumps over the fire and after Harry.

"Ginny." I shout as I try to make my way after her and Mr Weasley but I'm blocked off by the fire.

Tonks grabs me and turns me around.

"guard the house." She says as we all take up positions around the house. I was standing in between Fred and Tonks.

"be ready." I heard Tonks yell as we waited for them to come back. "look for an opening in the fire, if you can get through get to the others."

The fire opened up next to Tonks and I and I looked at her before running into the grass trying to find the others, I didn't know where I was going. I heard something behind me and turned to face them with my wand pointing out. It was just George, I sighed in relief. I nodded at him and started running listening for voices, I stopped when I thought I heard something.

"Ginny." I whispered looking around in every direction, I thought I saw a shadow in the grass as I peered forward, it wasn't Ginny. He stepped out of the shadows and I was met with a man I had seen on wanted posters Fenrir Greyback, I held my wand up towards him.

"Amanda Cliff, we aren't to harm you." He said sniffing the air around me.

"expelliarmus." I screamed as he easily deflected my attempt at disarming him, I started backing away from him.

"your father would like to see you, why don't you come with me preciouse girl." He looked at me sideways and smiled. "don't you want to see your mum." I eyed him.

"stupefy." I heard from behind me as he deflected the spell and disappeard into the shadows.

"come on Amanda, back to the house." Fred was standing next to me as we made our way back to the house and were reunited with everyone else, I couldn't shake off my encounter with Greyback. Would he have really taken me to my mum?

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