Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

It had been an eventful night I thought as we walked into Lupin and Tonks house.

"well I don't know about you two but I've certainly have had quiet the night, if you would excuse me I think I'll take myself to bed." Lupin said as he kissed Tonks on the cheek.

"Don't forget your potion Remus."

"of course Dora." He replied as he looked at me. "merry Christmas Amanda, im sure I'll be in brighter spirits in the morning."

I followed Tonks to the kitchen as I looked at her.

"go on say it." I looked at her and laughed.

"can I start calling you Dora?" I eyed her up as she squinted at me.

"only Remus and my father call me Dora, tea?" I nodded in response.

"oh wait." I told her as I pulled a box and presented it to her, she laughed as she opened it. Inside were two mugs one with hers and one with his written on them.

"thank you." She said as she nodded at the present on the counter. "for you."

I opened it and smiled at her, inside the box was a mug in the colours of Gryffindor with an A plastered on it.

"great minds." I nodded as I handed it to her.

"for when you stay of course." She said as she made my cup of tea in it.

Can I ask you a question?" I said to Tonks as we sat in the living room sipping our teas. She nodded at me.

"did Harry tell you about his theory about Malfoy?"

"he mentioned it before dinner to Remus and I."

"what do you think?" I asked her.

"what I'm about to tell you is official order business. Did Harry tell you about when he seen Draco in Diagon alley." I nodded in response. "the last time there was a war the dark lord was interested in vanishing cabinets, and there just so happens to be one in Borgin and Burke's, you need the 2nd for them to work correctly."

"so, is that what you think he was doing, working on a vanishing cabinet?"

"either that or buying it."

"do you think he could be involved with the dark lord?" I was scared for her answer to this question, I really didn't want to believe that it could be true that he could be working with him.

"who knows, he could have been. Harry told us that Snape has made an unbreakable vow to help Draco and you can't break an unbreakable vow everyone knows that you die."

"what does Remus think?"

"he thinks that Dumbledore trusts Snape so we should trust him, we can't turn on each other."

"but to make an unbreakable vow, there has to be something going on to do that." I had everything crossed that Draco wasn't a death eater, that he wasn't working for the dark lord. "what do you think? Do you think he's capable of being a death eater."

"I don't really know him." She replied. "technically we are cousins but I have never met him, my mother was disowned once she married a muggle. I'd like to think that your parents decisions don't make you, my mum is proof of that." She looked at me. "what happened tonight, in the grass?"

"nothing." She eyed me. "Greyback told me I could go with him to see my mum, that there was orders for me not to be harmed."

"I did you want to go with him?" I looked at her and nodded.

"I just really want to see my mum." A single tear fell from my eyes and Tonks came over and hugged me.

"I know you do, but your mum she wouldn't want that she wouldn't want you to go to him. You have to remember that this is keeping you safe, we will get her back Amanda." She hugged me tighter. I wanted to believe her, I really did. I loved Tonks she was the older sister I never knew I needed, growing up with not many family members I felt like I had gained loads these past couple of years. But she doesn't know my nightmares, she doesn't know what he does in them if I don't go to him.

Everyone wanted to help me always telling me it was going to be fine, but how did they know it would be. They couldn't be sure we wouldn't get my mum back and I couldn't lose her as well, there was no way I would let that happen.

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