Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

It was finally Christmas, my favourite time of the year. The Weasleys had made my day fun and unforgettable, trying to keep my mind of my mum. I missed her loads it is my second Christmas without seeing her, last Christmas I went home to find her missing. I had sent my present off to uncle Amos this morning, Emerald had returned empty handed. It wasn't a present I was gutted not to get it was a letter, I just wanted to hear how he was every now and again, Mr Weasley tells me what he can to keep me updated which I'm thankful for. I had handed out all the presents to the Weasleys, Mrs Weasley had scolded me for buying them all separate presents, she had gifted me with a matching hat and scarf set. I though my bobble heads for the twins were the best, I had them specially made, they seemed to enjoy them.

I was upstairs in my room as I heard voices downstairs and I smiled and ran all the way down the stairs until eventually I was in the living room.

"Tonks." I exclaimed as I saw her standing there, she turned around with a smile on her face.

"Merry Christmas Amanda." I hugged her as I stepped back and hugged Lupin who exchanged pleasantries, he didn't look his best. I regretted asking if I could stay with them, I was travelling home with them tonight to spend a couple of days at their home. There must be a full moon nearing, I completely forgot to check, I usually check before asking them to visit.

"Mrs Weasley has been busy in the kitchen all day cooking up a storm." I told her as she laughed.

"I expect nothing less from Molly, how are you?"

"I'm doing good, it being busy around here today has kept my mind from my mum." I told her.

"there's nowhere better then the Weasley home if you want chaos."

"I heard that." Mrs Weasley said from the kitchen as Tonks and I laughed under our breaths. "Amanda be a dear and set the table."

"yes Mrs Weasley." I said as I sat up and started setting the table as Ginny came down the stairs. Ginny helped me set up the table as Harry and Ron came down and greeted Lupin and Tonks, I was trying to listen in on their conversation.

"it's rude to eavesdrop." Ginny told me as I shushed her.

"People are disappearing, Harry. Daily. We can only put our trust in a handful of people. If we start fighting amongst ourselves, we're doomed." I heard Lupin say as I looked at Ginny, she shrugged at me.

We were all sat around the table enjoying the spread of food that Mrs Weasley had put on, there was far too much food for us to get through.

"Tonks you should see what Amanda got his for Christmas." The twins said in unison as Fred apparated and returned with a bobblehead in his hand.

"Fred, that could be your twin instead of George." Tonks said inspecting it and returning it and winking at me. I had given Tonks them to keep until Christmas morning, she apparated them here this morning so the twins didn't get their hands on them early.

"I have the gift of giving presents, I can't help it." I said holding up my hands, I turned to Tonks and whispered.

"are you sure it's ok I come with you and Lupin tonight, he doesn't look the best."

"of course, you can although you might have to come back tomorrow if it worsens, it's the full moon. Remus will be fine Amanda, we like our time with you." I smiled at her. It was nice to know that when I didn't have family at the same time I did. All these people are my family trying to keep me happy, I will never hold a grudge against uncle Amos he is still grieving and some people grieve differently. Seeing him reminds him to much of Cedric and it's too painful for him, someday it will get better and I will see him again.

"Thanks Tonks, you're like the big sister I never had." 

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