Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

I found myself in the owlery panning two different letters, one for Tonks and one for Uncle Amos.

Uncle Amos,

Hogwarts is going great so far, not much to report since its only been a few weeks. We have a new professor joining us this year taking over potions. He's seems alright so far, I'll let you know how that goes. You might know him he's taught here before, Professor Slughorn his name.

Hope to hear from you soon,

Love Amanda

I chose one of Hogwarts owls to deliver to Uncle Amos this time and panned my next letter to Tonks.


Hogwarts is as fun as ever with all the studying, don't worry I'm a perfect student. Any more news? Perhaps I could visit or stay for a couple of days on our next break, that would be nice but only if you want me to. Feel free to tell me to get lost. Give Lupin my regards.

Speak Soon,


I opened the door to Emerald's cage and welcomed her out, stroking her and handing her the letter.

"ok girl, straight to Tonks." I said as I let her go. Tonks would know what I meant by any news, she would know I was referring to my mum and dad. The order was trying to find any witch or wizard which had been taking, which was going go so well. So far, they hadn't been able to locate anyone that had went missing, I still held out hope.

I was walking through the corridors back to the dormitory when I heard my name being called and turned around instantly smiling.

"well if it isn't little Charlie." I said as he caught up to me.

"good summer?" he asked me.

"yeah it was alright, what about you?" I said as I looked at him and his smile faded a little.

"it was alright, my mum didn't want to come back this year."

"I know how you feel." I said remembering Molly. "but we just have to remember that we are safe in Hogwarts with all the teachers, we have some of the best witches and Wizards here, there is nowhere safer." I told him smiling at him as he nodded at me.

"you been doing any more training?" I asked him referring to him joining us last year to learn defensive magic.

"I've been trying to practice what Harry taught us as much as I can."

"well that will give you a head start in defence against the arts this year, you will be one of the best."

"thanks." He said as we reached the common. He recognised his friends in the corner waving, I could see he wanted to join them.

"I'll see you later Charlie, don't be a stranger." I said as I nudged him towards his friends and found myself heading over to sit next to Harry.

"Hey Harry." I said as I sat down. "what you thinking about?"

"not much." He answered. I could tell he was lying but I didn't want to push him on it.

"how have you been?" he asked me.

"I've been better. But being around the Weasleys has helped and I know there are people working on trying to locate my mum, I just feel useless not being able to help in anyway." I had looked around before answering, making sure no one would hear what we were talking about.

"well if anyone can find anything out it would be them."

"Harry, you know I'm here if you need anything."

"same for you Amanda." He told me as he continued to read the potions book, he had in his hand. I stood up and made my way to the dormitory, I lay down on my bed hoping to take a nap

* I was standing outside of my house I opened the door hearing it squeak on the hinges.

"mum." I said as I was met with instant silence. I searched the full house but saw no sign of her, I made my way out to the garden. Standing in the bac garden was my dad with my mum beside him, he had his wand pointed at her neck.

"join me Amanda." He said, my mum was shaking her head at me

"no." I told him as I could feel the tears leaving my eyes.

"don't make me do something I'll regret." He told me.

"just let her go, please dad." He laughed at me.

"join me."

"no!" I screamed at him, I ran towards him as soon as I reached the spot they were stood they were gone. *

I wok up in a sweat, it was later than I expected everyone else was asleep in their beds. I quickly got changed for bed wiped my tears away and tried my best to fall back asleep. 

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