Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

I found myself at the entry to the astronomy tower, I hadn't been up here at all this year. In fact I hadn't been here since last year with Draco, it was once my safe place and then our place. I guess my body knew better then I did that I needed to feel that comfort, I started walking along the corridor and up the stairs, I looked shocked as I was met with Harry and Professor Dumbledore who looked to be in discussion.

"harry." I said as they both looked at me.

"miss Cliff what are you doing out of bed?"

"I couldn't sleep, I sneak around the castle when I can't sleep professor. Come here a lot, I'm sorry for breaking the rules." I said without thinking, I only really wanted to know if they were successful, but Dumbledore didn't look to well.

"professor are you ok?" I asked as we heard footsteps hitting the floor.

"are you alone?" professor Dumbledore asked as I nodded at him. "both of you hide yourself below, and do not speak or show yourself until I give you permission you understand." I nodded as I made my way downstairs Harry followed reluctantly behind me. We stood behind the wall to the entrance as close to each other as possible to not be seen.

"what are you doing here?" Harry whispered in my ear.

"I couldn't settle." I told him.

"Good evening Draco." I heard Dumbledore say as I stood there frozen in shock, Harry moved from beside me and to the opening to where you could see the astronomy tower. I couldn't move I was frozen, what was Draco doing here, he should be in the hospital wing. I managed to move myself forward a little to see up and was stopped in my tracks Draco was pointing his wand at Dumbledore.

"who were you talking to?"

"I talk to myself aloud sometimes. Thinks that sound sane in your head may sound mad when heard for all the world to hear. You're not an assassin Draco."

"I've done things that would shock you."

"like cursing Katie Bell or swapping a bottle of mead for one laced with poison. These are feeble attempts Draco, I don't think your heart was in them. When Voldemort asked you to kill me, did you falter?"

"he trusts me." Draco replied. all I could think is that Draco had promised me that no one was going to get hurt and here he was knowing all along what he had to do, what he was going to do. He lied to me, Harry was right along.

I found myself unable to concentrate on the conversation above me lost in my own selfish thoughts, I should have told my friends when I knew I should have told them about Draco all along, I was foolish I trusted him.

"I've got to kill you or he'll kill me." I looked up, looking at Draco he looked scared. Part of me wanted to shout out to let him know I was here that he didn't have to do this but another part of me was focused on the fact he had lied to me, that he was going to go ahead with this when he promised me, he knew what he had to do.

"look what we have here, Dumbledore wandless and alone." I knew that voice, it was Bellatrix Lestrange. I moved forward and stood by Harry touching my hand to his so he knew I was beside him, I took my wand out and held it in my hand. Harry already had his wand drawing out but he had moved it higher pointing it in the direction of Bellatrix.

"we can take them." He whispered in my ear, a shadow moves next to us as we both turn to find Snape, he looks at us both and holds a finger to his lips to tell us to be quiet. I started to lower my wand back down and Snape makes his way up the stairs.

"the dark lord wasclear." I heard Bellatrix say. "Draco was to do it, go on Draco" 

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