Chapter 16

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Chapter 16

It had been nice spending a couple of days with Tonks and Lupin over the holidays, I had went back to the Weasleys after a couple of days once the full moon started to take it's toll on Lupin. I couldn't get mine and Tonks' conversation out of my head about Draco, could he be a death eater and if he was, what was he doing at Hogwarts. I felt like history was repeating itself first with my mother and father and now me and Draco. But Draco said there was no me and him.

I was sat in the Gryffindor common room with Hermione, talking about the only topic that was on everyone's mind.

"what do you think they want with a vanishing cabinet?" Hermione asked me.

"I'm not sure Hermione, maybe it's how they get rid of people that they've taken you know vanishing cabinet." She looked at me puzzled.. "Tonks told me that there has to be a second one for it to work properly, but there can't be one here in Hogwarts, someone would have realised by now. So maybe they are working on the one in Borgin and Burkes and the other one is somewhere else and that's how they get around without using magic, vanishing cabinet."

But why have Malfoy work on it." She questioned. "Harry still thinks it was an initiation."

"why would they choose Malfoy, and you can't use parents as an excuse." I said gesturing to myself.

"I don't know, there really is no proof just that it's all quite strange. He looks ill don't you think Malfoy?" I thought about it for a little and realised she was right when I first so him he looked like he hadn't seen the sun and he kept getting paler as the months went by, he looked quite sickly.

"maybe he's coming down with something." Hermione looked at me as if I was mad. "or it's just normal Malfoy we've just never noticed before."

"I guess we just have t believe in our gut." Hermione replied. I thought about what my gut was telling me and knew that there was just something off about the whole thing. There's been something strange about the whole thing since we came back. Maybe its because you know who is out there and every day is numbered as we wait for him to decide when he will fight, when he will decide enough is enough and starts the next war.

More importantly was what side everyone would be on, who would defend him and who would defend the good. I shivered thinking about it.

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