Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

"No." I heard Snape say as he stepped into view above us, I held Harrys hand as I hoped that somehow Snape would be able to help Dumbledore.

"come to watch?" Bellatrix asked Snape as she cackled. Every time Bellatrix spoke I could feel Harry tensing up beside me knowing that the woman that killed Sirius was so close to him.

"Severus, please." I heard Dumbledore say, he looked so defenceless standing there without his wand in his hand. I couldn't help but look at Draco, he was trying his best to try and not look scared. I couldn't feel sorry for him he lied to me.

"I gave my word." I looked at Harry and up to the scene in front of me trying to grasp what was about to happen. "Avada Kedavra." A shot of green jolted from his wand and hit Dumbledore square in his chest and he was thrown off the balcony. I dropped to my knees in shock letting Harry's hand go as I heard him scream.

I didn't even think about if they could hear us above or wondering about Draco. Dumbledore was dead, snape killed Dumbledore. I wasn't even aware of my surroundings until I saw Harry making for the stairs and I picked myself up off the floor and ran after him. They were no longer here, but the remnants of them was. There in the sky was the sign of the dark lord.

I looked at Harry's face and could see it full with rage.

"Harry." I whispered, it was like he didn't hear me. "Harry." I repeated as I took hold of his hand which pulled him from his thoughts.

"I'm going after them." He told me as he took off out the room and I quickly was on his tail, I couldn't let him do something stupid.

We had been running through the castle for a while when Harry spotted them walking in the courtyard below us and he took off again. By now what had happened had grabbed they attention of the students I could see them as we ran passed them looking at us confused. I couldn't help but think of what Hermione, Ron and Ginny would be thinking. Would they be worried that I hadn't come back yet, were they aware of what had happened.

Harry bust through the entrance doors and out onto the grounds, I quickly followed him. We were catching up to them pretty quickly, I looked at Harry but he was to focused on what was in front of him. Snape had stopped in his tracks and was turning to face us, the rest hadn't notice now except for Draco who looked scared for his life.

Harry let out a spell towards Snape as he easily deflected it away from him. I could tell that Harry was looking for a fight, that he wanted to hurt Snape for what he did to Dumbledore. All I could think about was the last time I was faced with Death eaters at Christmas about what Greyback said. If Dumbledore the most powerful wizard we knew was dead then who knows what else they are capable of.

I took one look between Harry and Snape and looked back at Harry.

"Harry , tell everyone I'm sorry for what I'm about to do." He looked at me confused for a second. "I have to get to her." I whispered as I took off after Draco and the death eaters.

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