Chapter 8

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chapter 8 

I was stood in McGonagall's office, the necklace Katie had was now on her desk.

"you're sure she didn't have this with her?" she asked me and Leanne.

"it's like I said she went to the bathroom and came back with it." Leanne told them.

"she started acting strange." I told them. "that she had to leave quickly and deliver it."

"did she say to whom?" she questioned as we shook our heads.

"you can leave now thank you." We nodded as we left the room, leaving Harry, Ron and Hermione behind. We walked back to the common room in silence. As soon as we stepped through the door Ginny walked forward and hugged us both.

"are you ok?" she asked us.

"I think I'm just going to go to bed." Leanne said as she walked away, and I grabbed her arm.

"call if you need anything." She smiled at me and continued upstairs.

"we heard what happened, I think a few people saw her." Ginny told me.

"she looked scared Ginny, hanging there in mid-air it was like she was stuck in shock." Ginny put her hand on mine "maybe I should go see her." I said.

"no leave it for tonight she will be resting, and you need to rest as well."

"I wasn't suspended in the air by some type of curse."

"no but you were there, and you need time."

"who would do something like that?" I said as Ginny hugged me. It was a little while later as Ron, Hermione and Harry walked back in. Harry stormed off up to the boy's dormitory as Ron followed.

"what happened?" I asked Hermione.

"they think it was some type of curse."

"do they know who did it?"

"no." Hermione replied looking sheepish.

"Hermione." I prompted her.

"they don't know but Harry outright accused Draco Malfoy of doing it." My stomach started to knot.

"with what evidence?" I asked her.

"none." I remembered what he said on the train that he thinks he could be a death eater. I know his father is, but surely Draco couldn't be a death eater.

"I'm going to bed." I simply told them. "it's been a long day."

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