The Unfaithful Human

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Bed of Lies by Nicki Minaj and Skylar Grey because it's heartbreakingly accurate.


"What can I get you to eat? I could order out or whip something up..."

I flinched at the idea of my father cooking and the comment my friends had made about my weight earlier didn't exactly encourage me to eat any more.

Besides I was already in too much pain and the pain medication was doing very little to subside the migraine I had.

"No thanks, dad, honestly I just want to get some rest." I told him.

He nodded. "Of course, sure, sleep as long as you want. You're obviously not going to school. Do you need help going up the stairs?"

I smiled at him. "Dad, all my limbs are still intact besides you look like you could use some sleep yourself."

According to the nurse, I had arrived at the hospital at 4.21pm exactly and had been in the ICU for about four hours before Dr Cullen deemed me worthy of moving to a room. I was out for three more hours before I gained consciousness.

Dad must have been exhausted from work and worrying about me that whole time.

He walked towards me and placed a kiss on my forehead.

"I'm so relieved that you're okay, kiddo." He said for the millionth time.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah." I waved him off. "You better eat something before you go to bed." I told him as I turned around to go upstairs to my room.

When I opened my door, the sight of my bed was so welcoming. I collapsed onto it flinching at the pain. I may not have had any serious injuries but I still had some scrapes and bruises from the impact and where the glass entered my skin.

I had barely shut my eyes when my bedroom door swung open.

Expecting my dad I just turned over and pretended to be asleep but I was surprised when I sensed a form join me in bed.

I opened my eyes to see Ryan's clear green ones.

His eyes shone with tears. "Hello beautiful." He whispered.

"Hey." Was all I could get out. I couldn't express how grateful I was to have him here with me.

"Your dad let me in. Monica called me a few minutes ago and I immediately rushed over, I'm so sorry, how could I be so stupid letting you drive when you were clearly upset."

I reached forward and touched his cheek wiping away the tears that fell.

"It's okay baby, it wasn't your fault. I'm the one who caused it, not you, okay?"

He shook his head and bit his lip to keep from crying.
"I'm so sorry Sophie."

I forced a smile. "Hey, don't blame yourself, blame Klutzerella." I attempted to joke. He only scooted closer to me and took me in his arms placing a kiss on the bandage that ran around my head. "I love you."

"I love you too." I replied.

I wanted to rip his limbs off his body when I saw them wrapped around her.

How dare her, after touching another girl. How dare he go back to touch her with his filthy claws.

The monster in me was madder than ever, but then a realisation hit me.

What was I doing here? In this girl's room who I had known for not even a whole day, she had made me feel so many emotions in one day that I hadn't felt in a month.

What was going on with me? I told Carlisle and the rest of my family that I would stay away yet here I am, staring at the stranger.

Soft whistle like snores escaped her mouth, I just couldn't get over how tiny she was. I have lived a long time and seen a lot of small humans, even some smaller than her but she just seemed so fragile, it was unbelievable. I felt like I could break her with one single touch and considering my unnatural strength, it would have been more than easy.

I picked up movement on the bed and quickly hid behind the door of her bathroom.

The male got up and spoke in hushed tones into his phone.

"Hey....yeah.... yeah.... she's fine." He mumbled. "Of course I didn't tell her." He looked over his shoulder to check if she was still sleeping.

I could have killed him just then, made it quick and clean. No one would know, maybe except Edward and Alice. "Sierra, I swear if you tell her, I'll..... Of course I love her.... Please Sierra....."

He sighed and studied the girl, he frowned. "I don't want to lose her. She means a lot to me. What happened can never happen again.... promise me you won't tell her Sierra.... do you want to hurt her?..... okay, thank you.... bye."

"Who were you talking to?" The girl muttered in a groggy voice as she yawned and rubbed her eyes.

The male jumped slightly in fright. "Just my mum, she wanted to know how you were doing."

The girl gave him a weak smile. I could smell her blood through her fresh wounds.

I took in a deep breath before cutting off the air going to my lungs, vampires can do that. It's uncomfortable but we live.

"That's so nice. Tell them thank you."

"Yeah of course, I also told them that I wouldn't be coming home tonight." He climbed back into the bed with her and wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm staying with you all night."

I fought the growl bubbling in my throat threatening to come out.
He thought he could get away with his lies and secrets? Not on my watch.

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