Chapter 1: Saviour

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Tobias - Point Of View (POV)

I am walking home from school full of fear of what I knew is coming. Let me explain. I finish early on Tuesday's, some reason what should be my last lesson is a 'free period' I never understood it, and I hated it. It meant I have to go home early, have to see him earlier.

Every week my father; Marcus would forget that on Tuesday's I finish early, I mean how can he forget something that simple? Maybe he doesn't forget maybe he just does it on purpose so that every Tuesday he could beat me.

I hate it, he has been like this ever since mother disappeared 8 years ago. She is presumed dead now, so it is just me and the lunatic I am living with. As usual I walk home as slowly as I could, but even then that isn't slow enough.

I cautiously walk inside the house. I am being as quiet as I could possibly be. I look around and listen to see if my father was home. The house was silent and he wasn't coming to yell at me. It didn't seem like he was. Thank God.

I use this as an opportunity to run upstairs to my room, opening up a chest and delved into the bottom to pick up the statue, that my mother gave me, before she went missing. I sighed deeply wishing she was here; I was so scared. I hated being so afraid, I hate wondering when my next beating would be. I hate being a coward when he is around, I hate the way he makes me feel. I just hate him in generally. Who wouldn't?

There seemed to be light at the end of the tunnel though because it is the choosing ceremony next week, I will be able to leave this place, I know exactly where I am going. Dauntless, I am not selfless, nor am I smart, kind or honest. I am certainly not brave, but I can learn to be, I cannot learn to be the rest, with dauntless I will be able to fight, defend myself, then I will be able to give my father everything he gave me, I wouldn't be a coward, he would the coward.

I am snapped out of my thoughts by my father's voice, "Tobias Eaton!" he shouts, and as I hear his heavy feet are walking upstairs. What? when did he even get home? I didn't even hear the front door.

I quickly hide my statue back at the bottom of my chest, and moved quickly to lay on my bed. My father opened my door, "You are home early! How many times do I have to tell you to stop skipping school?" He yells at me at the top of his voice.

"I...I have free lesson as last lesson. I am not skipping." I stutter, I can't help it, I know what is coming, and he will take his own belt of, and whip me over and over.

"Do not lie to me son! Take your shirt off!" He shouts anger in his voice. I flinch and cower as he shouts, yes I know coward, I can't help it. I fear him. I fear being whipped, I fear the pain that is coming my way.

I gulp, getting off my bed, sliding my shirt off. Then it happens, he take his belt off. Here we go. I think as I hear, "Turn around."

I turn around, showing my father my healing or healed scars, I could hear the grin on my father's face, as he talked, "This is for your own good, Tobias."

Then I hear the sound, the sound that caused me so much pain, the pain that always made me fall to my knees, which today is no different, I am on my hands and knees, I am screaming and crying. I cannot help it, I know it makes me weak, but I can feel my skin being torn apart each time the belt makes contact with my back. I feel my flesh being torn off, it is excruciatingly painful.

My father keeps hitting and hitting, he normally stops at 5, this time he doesn't. He kept going angrily, my hands and knees fall under my own weight. I can hardly breath, my vision is blurred and patchy. I can barely hear anything except for my own heart beating in my ears. It is good, and I don't want to hear the wind swooshing that came before each whip. That is when the most unexpected thing happens. I hear a voice. A young female's voice shouting.

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