Chapter 5: Abnegation or Dauntless

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Tobias POV


I wake up to screams of the girl echoing throughout the house. I sit up with a gasp looking around, the screams of torture subside for a moment before they continue again. I jump up of the bed and run to the top of the stairs, my heart is racing, I hear it pulsing in my ears. What has he done now?

The secret door is shut. I want to go down there but he will see me then punish me for it so I will have to wait until he leaves. I hear the girl scream again. My eyes blur, I lift my hand to my hands I feel that they are wet. I am crying for a girl, a strange? I think and my unconsciousness seems to reply. Except for your mother, she is the only one that showed that she cared about you. She saved you, you have a bond with her now.

I am snapped out of my thought when I hear Marcus shouting, "That will teach you to interfere with Tobias. He doesn't know about you, he doesn't care about you. He will never care about you! Got it?" after only a moment he is yells with so much anger and hatred, "Shut up! I told you not to speak a word, I don't want to hear your pathetic excuses. I have told you since Evelyn left I don't want to hear your voice. I do not know what gives you the right to even think you can speak in my presence." I stand at the top of the staircase in shock. Evelyn? Why would he bring up my mother, this girl my sister? Has he basically said that she is his daughter?

I gasp in shock when I hear a rough, pained, strong voice. "Don't speak about her." The girls' voice is full of hatred and anger, the voice was so harsh, it had a lot more anger than she saved me. What does she know? Have I been right all of these years? Did Marcus kill my mother?

I hear the piercing scream again before I hear her choking on something. My hands are in fist from anger and hatred towards my father. Suddenly I hear his footsteps stomping up the stairs, I run to my bedroom and lay on the bed pretending to be asleep.

I hear Marcus walk to his bedroom, before walking downstairs and out of the front door. I wait a minute to see if he would come back but he doesn't.

I run downstairs and I open the secret door cautiously, I walk through the door then shut it behind me. I hear the girl coughing, I hear what seems to be her sliding across the floor letting out little screams as she does. I run down the stairs, turning to see her and I am stood in shock.

She is covered in blood, lying face down on the floor. Her clothes that are supposed to be gray are now red, she is trying to use whatever strength she has to push herself to a different room.

She coughs some more that snaps me out my trance, I move by her side.

"Hey, don't move. Let me help you." I talk in a soft comforting voice.

"I...won't" She replies between coughs, I look down to see she is coughing up blood.

"You have to make it, I will help you. you will make this." My voice cracks at the end of the sentence, I can't look her, not after everything she has done for me.

"Toby..." she has a coughing fit, she grabs my hand. She isn't trying to crawl or move anymore. Toby? Where did that come from? She has a nickname for me? " have to get out. He killed her, your...our mother. Just like he is killing me. will be next." She mutters, her voice getting quieter and softer. She is my sister. Marcus killed my mother and looking at the amount of blood he killed me sister. He will not get away with this.

"You are not going to die, I will see to your wounds, just like you did mine. We will escape together, I will bring you with me." I reply quickly standing up running towards the door she was crawling towards to, I see that it is a bathroom. I walk to the cupboards opening each door open finding a first aid kit. I run back to her.

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