Chapter 14: Truth

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I sit on the bed that the nurse pointed to, my legs swing for a reason I do not know, I was just so bored, and the nurse told me that she would be right back. Four wasn't talking to me because he had to act like my instructors instead of my brother, which really sucked, I hated the silence, I mean I could tell he wanted to make sure I was ok and that Eric didn't hurt me too much but he couldn't in case someone overheard us.

He seemed to hate the silence too because he finally says, "What did you do to piss Eric off anyways?" he questions me in his instructor voice. I just shrug at him looking at my hands. "Well you must have done something."

I glance up at him, "He was drunk, I don't know, talked about how I think I could humiliate him without consequences or something. I don't know his voice was slurred."

Four made weird noise then coughed, I look up at him and I can see he is trying to hold in a laugh. He seems to compose himself quite quickly, "Trust one of my initiates to piss off a dauntless leader."

"I didn't piss anyone off, it isn't my fault he is a bad loser!" I answer a little too loudly.

Four gives me a warning look to be careful but he answers as my instructor, "No but you were stupid to take the challenge, it is your fault that you took him on."

I roll my eyes, "Fine, I'll just say no next time and make myself look like a coward, should I?"

"Do not give me attitude stiff, I already do not want to be here, you are wasting my free time." He answers sounding angrily but his eyes and soft and apologetic. I don't answer just look down at my hands.

The nurse finally comes back, she slides gloves on her hand and tells me to follow the light, as she shines a torch in my eyes, she seems to talk to Four whilst seeing to me. "You know you shouldn't be so hard on her Four. People are saying it was a good fight, you should be proud of what has been achieved." The nurse says as she looks at my burst lip, she grabs some medical tools before starting to put a couple of stitches in.

I see him rolling his eyes, "for being stupid do you mean?"

"She didn't start it, technically it was self-defence. You know if you show just a tad of emotion towards them, you might gain their respect." The nurse answers, she seemed used to his rudeness.

"What makes you think I want their respect?" he snaps, neither of us jump, though I think the nurse expected me to because she looked at me in an expecting way.

"Why can you never give any of them a compliment, to their face not to your friends. At least then they will know where they can improve, and what they are doing well." The nurse looks at my nose that has stopped bleeding then gently touches the bruise that was already forming around my eyes. I just stare at her with hard eyes, it didn't really hurt but it was an annoying feeling.

The nurse looks at me with slight confusion, but pulls her hand away, "Alright, you are set, Max will come to see you soon so just stay here until he gets here. Four he told me to tell you to stay with her."

"Why? She's fine you said so yourself." He groans, I try hide my smirk but it doesn't work at all.

"Because she needs a bodyguard." She winks before opening the curtain walking away.

It was that awkward silence again, both of us wanting to say something, I finally find myself saying, "you can go if you got somewhere to be, I can look after myself." I act bored and slightly annoyed.

"If Max told me to stay here then I stay here and babysit you. Anyways it is probably so you don't run off not because you need a bodyguard." He answers his arms folded across his chest.

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