Chapter 15: The Search

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Four POV

I watch Eli walk away, I was stunned that she didn't know her birthday or how old she was. When she was out of sight I come to my senses and start to walk in her direction but Tris grabs my arm gently.

"Give her some time alone. She has never been able to talk to anyone about anything and now she has you and us. She has been through what you have, Four. You didn't tell anyone at all until I came." She was talking loud enough for all of our friends to hear. I turn to look at all of our friends and they all looked confused except for Zeke. "Shit, I'm so sorry." She mutters for only me to here.

I look at her then to the corridor to where Eli walked down. "Tris, Eli has been through a hell of a lot more than I have been through. She is lost, she tries to keep it hidden like I do but every now and then for just a second I watch her walls crumble down, watch the loss and the pain in her."

Jessica finally asks what everyone else was thinking, "What is going on, Four? Why do you care so much about Eli?"

I turn to look at her, I take a deep breath, Well I guess it is about time that they all knew the real me. I have kept it hidden from them for too long. I just need to come out with it. "Eli is my sister, my real name is Tobias. I didn't know she was my sister until it all kind of came together. She lived in the basement, she was never seen or heard. Until the week before I came here, Marcus was punishing me like he did and she came in and she stood up to him, she knew first-hand what he could do, but she just stood there yelling at him." I look down a little, "That is how she got the scar on her face, Marcus was going to whip me again but she ran in the way. I was out of it, black dots in my vision so I couldn't see her, all I heard was her voice. Her strong fearless voice. The voice that stopped my beating for the whole week before I left."

I gulp, looking up, for the first time I let tears fall, I let them see me cry. So they know how important this is. I let the guilt hit me, they are all quiet knowing there is more, "When she came here, she came to escape the same fate as me. I didn't get my beating that week because she took them. When I left, he fed her once a week, he gave her no water, he tied her up and just abused her over and over, day in and day out." I put my head in my hands, whipping away my tears, before looking at them.

I felt Tris's hand slip into mine, she knew I was holding a bit of information, "What did she tell you today?" She asks with the softest voice.

I turn to look at her, she gives me the slightest nod, I sigh deeply, "My mother, just went missing one day, presumed dead when I was 7. Eli told me that Marcus murdered her. Stabbed her over and over right in front of Eli when she was 3. When he finished murdering her, he made her drag her body away and hide it somewhere. He threatened that if she didn't get back in half an hour he would beat me more, so she rushed back as fast as she could so I wouldn't get hurt. Then he blamed her for the pool of blood on the floor and made her clean it up." I look up at everyone, to see everyone stood in shock.

"That is messed up." Marlene states, none of them tried to cover up their shock, just like I didn't.

"That is how you are both so strong then." Shauna adds, the first to cover her shock.

"What do you mean?" I frown deeply confused, how does being beaten growing up make anyone strong?

"How you both rarely feel pain, physical pain I mean. How you are both so good in a fight, if you hardly feel the pain then you fight better." She explains looking at me with pride.

"Thank you, for not looking at me differently." I say to them all, they actually didn't look at me like a kicked puppy. I knew they would support Eli too. After I find her. I turn to look at Tris, "Think we should go after her now?"

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