Chapter 23: Fury

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Tobias POV

Tears streamed down my face as I read everything my sister wrote to me, my heart broke into a million pieces. How? How can she be so brave about this situation? Putting her life in danger, she puts everyone before herself. So selfless, so strong, so brave. I didn't read what she wrote to Tris. She obviously made it separate for a reason. Eli ended with her letter with the famous line that always gives me strength. "You are never alone."

I know I am not alone, but right now knowing that she is not here, I feel so alone. I just want her here by my side. I am lost without her here, I do not know what to do, and she would know what to do. Eli put all this faith in me and she shouldn't have because I am broken and I can't think straight and I don't know what my first move should be.

I hear a sniffle to my right and I turn to see Tris crying too. My automatic reaction is to comfort her, I wrap my arms around her pulling her to sit on my knee, I stroke her back but say no words. I didn't have any words, I had nothing, just pain.

Zeke watched us for a little then purposely cleared his throat. Taking charge of the situation for a minute, "Alright, I know this is horrible and heart breaking but she isn't dead, she can be saved, stop acting like she is dead. She has set all of this up for us all to find her, so stop moping around and let's get started." He says harshly, I could see in his eyes anger and loss.

This is going to be hard on everyone not just me. I have to realise that Eli has changed everyone's lives for the better. That this will break a lot of people's heart. I take a deep shaky breath, still letting tears fall. I look in the folder, and see a different document which was named "Step 1". I frown, how much did she plan? Did she know that I would be stuck? That I would be clueless. I open the document and start reading.


I thought you might need a bit of help to get started, I mean, if I were you right now then my mind will be running wild. You probably don't know what to focus on, where to even start. Right?

First thing you need to do is check the CCTV footage of when and where I was taken, that will give you who was involved and who you need to talk to and observe or watch. I mean if you know who they are and they don't know that you have this information. It could come in handy, right?

I want to make something clear though Toby, do not kill anyone unless it is necessary, as in life or death situation. I know you will beyond pissed off at everyone that is involved but please. Do not kill anyone, it will haunt you for the rest of your life and I do not want that for you, ok?

I have a theory of who will be involved in my kidnapping, I have thought long and hard about it. I think it will be Jeanine, Eric and I do not know why but something inside me is telling me that Caleb will be involved.

Just check the footage though, if I'm right which I more than likely will be because I'm always right, you should know that. But if I am start with Eric. Try and get your hands on some truth serum, act like you know nothing then use a surprise 'attack' by that I mean inject him.

That is all I can help you with, I do not know the information that you will learn so just trust your judgement and talk with Tris get her ideas too, you are both extremely smart, 'Erudite' smart in fact. Use it wisely.

You are never alone.


I smile a little at her letter, she is so smart. She always know what to do, I am so proud of her right now. "I knew she would know what to do." I say, then close all of the windows that are open on my computer then open the CCTV. I click on the camera that is outside my apartment. Then rewind it back. This is the first time ever I have pleased about the camera facing inside my apartment.

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