Chapter 24: Rocky Road

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Tris POV

I walk with Zeke, I am still shocked that Tobias let Zeke go. I mean I know he would probably lose control around Eric if he ever saw him but I never thought he would stand back and say 'you're right, I shouldn't go.' He is normally there when the action happens.

Tobias was the one that was there when I was nearly killed, the one that saved my life. He nearly killed Drew in the process though. If I didn't say his name then I think that he would have killed him. Is that why he taking a step back from this one? Because he has always hated Eric now he despises him. Tobias could defiantly kill Eric if he lost control like he did last year.

Zeke's talking pulled me out of my thoughts, "Can you believe that Four let me come instead of him? I mean me of all people." I turn to look at Zeke to see his head moving back and forth in shock. I am just as surprised that he chose Zeke too, the joker the one that hates being serious, the prankster of the group.

I think carefully of why Tobias would chose Zeke to help in this mission. Zeke was the first that met her, the first to talk to her, he was the one that pulled her from the chasm after Tobias pulled me up. He stuck up for her and her choice when she accepted Eric's challenge. I widen my eyes, as I realise something, "Maybe he saw how protective you are of Eli. You see her like a sister you never had, don't you?"

Zeke nods, I look straight at him and I see how tense he is that Eli is missing too, his eyes were protective but also full of sadness and anger. He looked so emotional I do not think he has ever been this emotional before, or at least showed this much emotion, it was strange for me to watch.

He finally spoke, "As soon as I saw that she was running with the dauntless and not the initiates I knew she was something special. Even more so when she jumped on the first carriage, so I instantly started to talk to her, not like a 'stiff' I never called her that, I knew she was nothing like that, she was strong and fast. Something not even all dauntless born have." He sighs deeply, looking at his feet as he continues to talk, "Then when she told me she had no name, that she made it all up I knew so was alone, or afraid. So I wanted to put her under my wing, my protection. So she wouldn't get hurt here. I wanted her to feel like she belongs here because she does, she is dauntless through and through. She deserves to be here." His voice breaking at the end of the speech, I look up to see that there are tears in his eyes.

I nudge him with my shoulder in a jokingly way, "Come on, I hope you are not giving up on our Eli now, you are the one that stood up for her and supported her along with your brother." I smile a little trying to help him through his pain. Though I know I need help too, I know I need to talk to someone, Eli sees me like a sister and I feel the same way towards her. She is more than a sibling to me than Caleb. She stood up for me and my honour, she corrected him when he said my old name. I may have only known her a few days but those day were amazing, she showed us all so much.

"You want to talk? I know you may not be able to express your fear or loss to Four." Zeke suddenly questions, I look at him and see him staring at me. Oh, I must have zoned out again.

"It's the letter she wrote to me she said that I am her sister through and through. She acted like a sister towards me, we joked about her beating Tobias in a fight and everything. She stood up to my brother for me, she acts like my sibling and Caleb wasn't. I just don't understand how someone so young and has so much on her shoulders she has time for others, she show others how important they are, but she always seems to show people how important and worth having around." I sigh softly, letting tears roll down her cheek. We turn a corner walking towards the science lab.

"Like Eli said, her family is in the faction. It isn't hard to choose between blood and faction because we are all here for her. We are her family, just like we are yours. You don't need Caleb, we are you family now. Anyways when you and Four get married Eli really will be your sister." Zeke forces a smile opening the door to the science lab, I feel a little bit better of Zeke's response.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03, 2017 ⏰

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