Chapter 11: Initiate or Leader

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Four POV

What just happened? I am frozen as Eric leaves our table, she just broke her hand and she is going to dangle herself from the railing, again tomorrow? How can she be so irresponsible? Why wouldn't she just keep her head down like I did? I have to protect her; she is my sister. I can't let her falling to dead. Then I say something I instantly regret.

"What do you think you are doing? Are you trying to get in trouble or something?"

I was staring into her eyes, trying to intimidate her, but it didn't work, instead I saw hurt, and untrusting then her eyes went hard on defence and she was shouting at me, "He is underestimating me, he doesn't know my strength, hell none of you do. So stop looking at me like I am weak! For God sake, none of you even know me so why are you so quick to judge? What is it because I was from Abnegation? Then remember this, I am not there anymore, I am here, this is my home now. If I want to accept a challenge, then I fucking will. I am the only one that knows my own strength!"

Pang, I felt guilt wash over me, as she pushes her plate in the middle of the table, the plate that was hardly touch, I watch her walk away, I put my head in my hands.

"What am I going to do?" I mutter lowly, I couldn't walk to Eric and tell him that the challenge wasn't on, that would show weakness, not just on her behalf but mine too, plus I would show favouritism against the initiates already. That was a big no, no.

I finally look up to see all of my friends looking at me with an odd look, it was confusion, they didn't know why I cared so much, no one except Tris. Luckily she helped me out. "Come on guys, she is one of our initiates, she just saved my life, now she seems to have a death wish. How do you think we are going to react? It makes us look like bad instructors if we lose another one of our initiates already."

They seem to believe her and nod, Zeke speaks up, "True, would make you look like lousy instructors, but there is nothing we can do except be supportive of her like the friends we are. She is right, we don't know her, we don't know what she is capable of. What I do know is if she can carry two peoples weight with someone stamping on her foot for 15 minutes then she will be able to beat Eric. What is his record?"

Everyone looks at me, they all seem to think I know all of Eric's weaknesses, I mean sure I do, he was in my initiation with me, but still hate it how they expect me to know everything. I shrug and answer anyways, "7 minutes 49 seconds. Eli has a broken hand now though."

"Four, you hold the record at the minute don't you? What is your time? 11 minutes?" Lynn questions.

Everyone's eyes were back on me again, I nod, "11 minutes 24 seconds."

Uriah grins, "I think she will beat your record, I think that 'unbeatable record' will be beaten tomorrow morning."

Lynn rolls her eyes, "Come on, the strongest of our dauntless members' can't even beat that record, what makes you think she can?"

Uriah looks at him and smiles, "The determination that was in her eyes, not just to beat Eric in this challenge but to prove to us that she isn't weak. That she isn't just a weak girl from Abnegation that should be protected from everything."

Zeke looks at his brother and nods, "I already know she isn't weak, I am going to bet that she wins."

I snap my gaze to look at Zeke through narrow eyes, "You are betting?" She could fall to her dead and he is going to bet on her! He was supposed to be her friend.

Zeke grins, "Of course, she needs to know someone believes in her, I believe in her 100%, I am betting that she wipes that smirk of Eric's face."

I couldn't help but nod, for once he was right about this, "I am betting she wins too, I shouldn't have shouted at her, I am going to see if I can find her."

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