Chapter 17: Protecting Her

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Tobias POV

I was awoken by Tris gently shaking me awake, "Tobias...Tobias." She was whispering. I wake up groaning softly. I open my eyes before letting them close again. She shook me some more.

"Mmm...yes?" I manage to answer tiredly, I feel like I have had no sleep what so ever.

"When did Eli get here?" She questions, she sat on the bed next to me folding her arms.

I sit up and look at her, then looks at the sofa where Eli was flat out, I see the sofa empty now. "Where is she?" I asks panic in my voice.

"I woke up to her doing press ups, she was crying, the more she cried the more she pushed herself. I asked her what was wrong but she didn't reply. I eventually stopped her working out and now she is showering." She replied looking at me with worry shining in her eyes. "I think you need to try knock down her wall."

I sigh softly sitting up, "Her walls are down when she around me Tris. She tells me pretty much everything. She trusts me with it all, some things will take longer to talk about, especially her feelings. Give her time." I pull the blanket away and stand up stretching, "Oh and by the way Christina saw us arguing in the pit and ended up giving us her age; she is 14. I gave her only 1 rule; that when leaving the compound she leaves with you or me. You if heights are involved and for running I told her to ask me. I am worried though, Christina said Erudite are interested in her. She didn't manage to explain what yet because Eli is overwhelmed at the moment." I inform her, my eyes full with worry too.

"You don't have to worry about me so much Toby." I hear a voice behind me, I spin around seeing Eli walking out the bathroom and she is drying her hair with a towel. "Erudite are only interested in me because of how I lived with Marcus, how I managed to survive how I managed to get away. They have figured out what I am. You have figured it out too, I know you have." She explains and suddenly I know what she is talking about.

"Divergent. Eli tell me that no one knows." I plead looking at her my eyes full of worry and I am panicking.

"I know that no one in dauntless except you know, Erudite probably knows I am because they were in my head, they saw my bravery and selflessness. They know that I am Dauntless and Abnegation." She glances at her hands.

"You aren't just Dauntless and Abnegation though are you?" I question, I watch as she still dries her hair with a towel. She walks to put the towel back on the railing then grabs a brush, brushing your hair. "Eli, what was your aptitude test result?" I push for the answer though I am pretty sure I know the answer.

She sighs deeply, she puts her damp hair in a bun before turning to look at me, "All of them. Abnegation, Amity, Condor, Dauntless and Erudite."

"Damn it, I hoped I wasn't right." I curse, my head in my hands. I hear light footsteps walk towards me before I feel small hands wrap around my wrists, they gently pull my hands away from my face.

As I look up I am faced with Eli's strong and determined face. "Toby, it will be ok. I promise it will be ok. I know that you won't let me get taken and even if I do get taken then I know that you will find me, I know that I will be strong enough to endure whatever they have planned till you find me."

I look at her and suddenly I feel strength as if she just gave me her strength, "You trust me that much?" I couldn't help but ask, she is putting her life in my hands. She is telling me that she trusts me. I cannot let her down.

She smiles a genuine soft smile that I rarely see, I love the real smile. "Of course. You are always there when I need you, whether it is Tobias or Four you are always there for me even if you do shout at me a lot as Four. I know it's because you care and that you love me." then I hear her stomach growl.

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