Chapter 6: Plan A and B

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Girl POV

It has been two years since Tobias left, since he became free. I am pleased and happy that he chose to leave, I would have felt so guilty if he stayed because of me. He didn't belong here. Neither do I, but I cannot escape.

I have been beaten every day since he left, I don't blame him though. I blame Marcus. When Tobias left there were a few changes to the basement, all the furniture was removed; the bed, the table, the sofa, bedside table. absolutely everything. All of the food was removed from the cupboards, I got cut off from the hot water and I have no electricity down here, no lights, no heating no nothing. Just to make things even worse Marcus has me tied up, my hands are tied together in front of me. Just sitting in the old living room. At first I did not understand why he tied my hands. I mean what does he expect me to do down here?

I soon understood though when he beat me over and over with his belt, when he sliced and drew into me with his knife like I was his canvas. It hurt like mad, it was so slow and so painful. He laughed and grinned as he watched blood pulsing from all the cuts. That is when I realised why he tied my hands. So I couldn't tend to any of my wounds.

That has all changed now though, a few months ago I decided to make a plan, a Plan A, to become immune to the pain. So far it is going fairly badly. I can barely stand on my own two feet because his beatings have become so brutal. He has broken most if not all of the bones in my body. It doesn't help that I can only practice when he is at work or when he is asleep. Since he is the leader he does most of his work from home unless there is a meeting with another faction which seems to be every fortnight on Friday or Andrew who I have learnt is also a leader comes to show him some data or something or other. I do not know, I do not understand it all to be honest.

Right now he is asleep, I should be asleep now too, I mean he beat me for hours today, but I need to become stronger. I will not have him get the better of me anymore, I will not have him laughing at my pain. I will not feel the pain. I want it gone. I will push and push until I no longer feel the pain that he brings upon me.

I move my leg to stand up, when I first started training I couldn't even move my leg without screaming pain. Now I move but as soon as I put a foot down to stand up I feel pain rush through my foot and my leg before it collapsed underneath me. It takes me around 3 attempts to be able to stand up, well push myself up with my weak arms. I scream in pain as every single part of my body cries out in pain; begging me to rest, but I can't. I won't let him get the better of me.

I am standing staring ahead of me, "Just one step." I mutter to my body, I take a step forward and my legs buckle underneath me and I am on the floor gritting my teeth to stop myself from screaming.

"Damn it, damn it, damn it." I sigh deeply, I roll to lie on my back staring up at the ceiling. There must be an easier way to get through this. I give myself a short break just staring at the ceiling before push myself back up. My eyes blur as I fight the tears. I stand up and take an agonising step, then another. I try my best to push the pain to the side. After the 5th step the pain wins and I fall again.

I put my head in my hands, "screw you pain." I mumble, I don't give myself much of a break this time, I push my body back up and walk. I keep walking till the pain becomes a little more bearable.

I smile down at my legs. I am triumphant. I can stand and walk. I mean it has only taken a few months to do so but precious things come to those who are patient right?

I walk a little more to make sure than it wasn't some sort of mind trick but it isn't, I am standing and walking. The pain is still there but it is bearable. Next is the arms, this shouldn't take too long because I have been able to push myself up, it only hurts when I straighten though completely.

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