Chapter 8: Scars

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Elizabeth POV

It has been a year since I made both plans and plan A didn't go to plan at all; in fact it made things worse a hell of a lot worse. Marcus would beat longer and harder trying to get me to make a single noise but it didn't work. He doesn't know it makes me stronger, hell I didn't know it was until I realised I couldn't feel any pain no matter what I was doing whether it was pull ups or push up or running even punching the walls. So I actually thank him for pushing me to become immune to pain.

So since Plan A failed I moved onto B, I used his thumb print of the spacebar and used it to log into his computer. It took me a week overall to get used to the set up and where all of his files were and all of that but I finally managed to find Tobias's birth certificate. I manage to find a blank certificate template too, I print both of them out so I could copy Tobias's out onto mine.

As soon as the documents are printed off I grab them, I also grab a pen before running down to my apartment, I turn the light on at the top of the stairs so I can see the papers and I look between both pieces of paper. First I write my name down, then I follow fill the rest in.

Full Name: Elizabeth Eaton

DoB: 4th May 2001

Faction of Birth: Abnegation

Fathers name: Marcus Eaton

Mothers name: Evelyn Eaton

I look at both my mother and fathers signatures I sigh deeply, I look back and forth, I decide to put Tobias's certificate on top of mine then roughly sketches over it. I look pleased with the finished product.

I run back out of my apartment I scan it onto the computer then send it to Abnegation admin so that they can put it in their system, I learnt it all whilst I was fooling around on the computer once it was sent I delete the mail, click off all of the documents I used then sign out, I take the two sheets of paper tear them up and put it in the middle of his full bin, I ran to my apartment shut the door.

Every day since then I checked him mail to see if he got anything back, I eventually found a mail stating that my request was granted, I was so relieved, my plan was working I will be out of here after I choose Dauntless.

That was 3 month ago, today is the day before my aptitude test, a test that is supposed to help me decide where I belong though I know exactly where I belong, with my brother in Dauntless. The waiting game has been killing me though, I have been working out even harder than usual just to stop it the thoughts and the anxiety from kicking in. I am even more nervous and anxious right now, so I am doing pull ups. I have been for about 2 hours, I am not tired yet, I should be but I have been training many hours per day for the past 3 month so my stamina is so high right now.

Only two more days until I escape! I will be free! I will be able to see Tobias...well Four, I still find that a strange name but there will be a story behind it I know there will be.

I jump down walking to a wall that I have been using as a punching bag, I pull a large bit of plaster board off the wall that broke off to reveal the letter that he left me a year ago. I still cannot believe that he remembers me. That I helped him, that he is proud of me. Whenever I feel like giving up I read it, it reminds me that there is something there and waiting for me. He thinks that I will settle into Dauntless just like him.

I pull the letter out and read it over again. The first line is what always gives me strength 'Saviour', rather than girl or bitch. He didn't want to call me that so he called me something different, something that is meaningful to us both, it makes me feel special to him. I mean I am probably not but it makes me feel that way.

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