Chapter 21: Fear Of Loss

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Tobias POV

I wake up peacefully for a change, I turn to the clock and see 4:24am. I look down to see Tris fast sleep with her head on my chest, I cannot help but smiles. Damn she is so cute when she is asleep. I think to myself then I look up the sofa and see the Eli isn't there. Oh god. Please, please be ok.

I carefully slide out from under Tris replacing my body with a pillow. I pray that she is in the bathroom, I walk inside and see it empty. I am filled with worry. I walk out the bathroom, my hands moving through my hair, I look back to the bed and see Tris still fast asleep. My eyes drift to the left and I see a note, I frown deeply walking towards the bedside table, picking up the note.


Something came up, I will explain everything when I get back. Do not worry about me, I will be safe.

Keep an eye on Tris and DO NOT let her out of your sight. At least until I get back. I love you.


P.S You and Tris are so adorable when you're both asleep.

I read it twice completely confused, Why do I need to keep an eye on Tris? What is going on? What do I not know? What did I sleep through? How the hell can she ask me not to worry, I have no clue where she is. I can't go find her unless I wake Tris up and bring her with me. I ponder for a few minutes pacing back and forth. No I am going to have to wake her up, if something happens to Eli and I just sit around I will never forgive myself. I walk over to Tris I gently shake her.

"Tris, babe, wake up. Eli has gone and she only left a really strange and vague note." She sits up awake and alert.

"What do you mean strange and vague?" she answers looking at me worried I hand her the note and I watch as she reads it twice. "Don't let me out of your sight? What, why?" she looks at me as if I know all of the answers, I wish I did I wish I knew what Eli knew.

I shake my head, "If I knew I wouldn't have woke you up, I need to find Eli, she told me not to let you out of my sight and I am going to trust her judgement so you are coming with me."

Tris nods climbing out of bed, "It must be serious if she doesn't want me out of your sight." She ponders for a minute, then worry hits her in the face "What if she doesn't trust me or something? What if she hates me Tobias?"

"Tris relax, she loves you and she trusts you. if she didn't why would she ask Max if she could live with us?" I try to comfort her, as I walk to get ready quickly.

"True, I guess she wouldn't do that would she? So what do you think it means?" she gets ready to, I must say it is the quickest she has ever gotten ready. She must know how anxious I am.

"I do not know, but since the note is vague I believe it is important, if it was unimportant then she have wrote everything in the note. she never says 'something came up' she is never that brief with me." I sigh deeply worried. "What has she stumbled onto?" I question my hand moving through my hair.

Tris takes my hand and walks to the door I expect it to be open because Eli left. It seems Tris thinks the same because she tries to pull it open but it doesn't budge. I look on the table and the key is still on the table. I frown deeply, I pick up my key and unlock it, and we both walk out. "Training room?" Tris questions me and I smile. She knows her just as well as she knows me.

"I am hoping she is there. There is no other place she would be at this time." I reply trying to be positive. I end up jogging because I so worried and anxious I just want her to be safe.

Tris jogs with me her hand still in mine, I jog down the corridor through the pit and down another corridor towards the training room. It is empty. "Shit." I shout out of frustration.

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