Chapter 22: Kidnapped

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I walk to the apartment with my head down. Toby was completely unreadable, at first I knew he didn't like it, he would never like it if I purposely put myself in danger. He has really stepped up to the role of being my brother. I will do anything says, if he doesn't like the plan then we will talk about it and find a new plan. I don't want to hurt them, I am sick of being in the way of their happiness and love so if I just do as I am told for once in my life then no one will get hurt, or get shocked.

I walk down the corridor where I now live and I get the feeling I am being watched, I look up and down the corridor and see no one there, I shrug and walk to the apartment, opening the door, pushing it shut, I start lock the door when it is slammed open, pushing me back, losing my footing because of the surprise I slam on the floor my eyes blur. I stand back up and see Eric in the doorway with Caleb and Jeanine. I grunt. Great, Caleb played me, I should have known. I think to myself as I see Eric ready to move.

Least Tris is safe. I manage to think before Eric through a punch at me, he doesn't turn into the punch so even if he did manage to hit me it wouldn't have hurt too much. Of course he didn't hit from that swing, I just take a step back, then dodge left, right, low. I grab his arm as he throws his next punch, I punch his elbow hearing a loud crack as I do. He cries out. I can't help but grin in satisfaction. Out of the corner of my eye I see Caleb gulping terrified. I watch as Eric stands back up waiting for round two.

"Bitch, you will not win this fight, no one will stop me this time." Eric spits, his arm though is clung close to his chest. I smirk, he has a weakness now. Though he is going to think I will aim straight for that so let's avoid that attack for now.

He swings with his left hand landing a punch on my face, I grunt but in a swift movement I kick him in the gut, punch his arm away. I spin and kick him in the face, his head turns and blood spits out of his mouth. He is now on his knees laughing evilly, blood dripping out of his mouth. When he in on his knees, I remember something. If I get kidnapped now Toby won't be able to access the folder.

I let Eric think I am running away in fear, I run to the bathroom, cut my wrist with a razor, then write messily in my blood 8629. As I am writing I hear Eric laugh slamming against the door over and over. Just as I write '9' in my blood the door breaks on its hinges with suck force is slams against my body, causing me to fall and hit my head of the sink. I grunt, pushing the door into Eric and he loses his balance falling on the floor, the door on top of him, I just run across the door and over Eric he cries out in agony as the door puts pressure on his broken arm.

I walk out of the bathroom and see Jeanine and Caleb. I point to Caleb. "Your sister would be disgusted in you, I told her about your little visit. She knows you were here, I told her everything you said and saw watched everything that happened so she knows I never lay a finger on you. She will also know that she means nothing to you, which it doesn't matter anyways, she has me, Four and all of her friends, and she doesn't need you." I yell making sure that the CCTV outside the apartment would here, hearing the door move just a little with Eric grunting in pain.

"Faction before blood, girl." Jeanine says, my hands moving in fist as she says 'girl' before I know what I am do, my fist in doing to collide with her face, breaking her nose, blood pouring out.

"Your dare call me that, I will more than break your nose. My name is Eli, use it or I will destroy you." I threaten, glaring death at Jeanine, I see Caleb backing away slowly trying not to get noticed. Though it doesn't go unnoticed by me.

"Where the hell do you think you are going Caleb? What you chose the wrong side to be loyal to? You chose your faction before even considering your blood. You know I get that, I do. I would chose both faction and blood. But then again my blood is in my faction so it looks like I am choosing faction, what are you choosing Caleb?" I stalling so that hopefully Tobias will get here in time.

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