Chapter 13: Fighting

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Four POV

I just sit holding Eli, letting her sit and sob her heart out, only because she probably hasn't grieved probably, I have so many questions to ask her, I just can't believe that she witnessed it. I thought I had a bad life, but she has somehow had it so much worse than me. How can Marcus not want Eli? She is the kindest, selfless, smart, honest, brave and strong girl I have ever met.

I glance at the clock and see she has been crying for only for 5 minutes before she stops and sits up. I can see in her eyes that she blames herself.

"Eli, this wasn't your fault, please don't blame yourself, you were too young to even understand what was going on." I use my soft real voice. Then I remember her saying she didn't want me to hear it from the news. "Why would it be on the news though?" I ask as soft as I can.

I watch as she looks back down to her hand, I hear a crack and see she has fixed her hand, I see the anger in her eyes so I think she has done it to punish herself, I take her good hand in mine as to say stop it. She looks at me, "When I was talking to Max, when I was about to tell him about what my f...Marcus done, Jeanine administered the memory serum from behind." I watch as torture and pain hits her eyes. All of her walls were down right now and she looked so vulnerable, like she was going to break at any minute.

"Memory serum? There isn't such thing." I find myself asking her.

She is just staring at something, I follow her gaze to see she is staring at our hands when she answers, "It was something they made especially for me."

That was when the door opened with Zeke calling, "Hey Four I just came to- OMG are you serious?" he yells, and I know he is jumping to conclusions, after all I am holding a girls' hand that is not Tris's, he doesn't know she is my sister. I look up at Eli, asking an unspoken question. She seems to understand the question and nods.

I turn to look at Zeke who is glaring at me, I don't let go of Eli's hand and she doesn't seem to pull away either, "Zeke...Eli is my sister"

Zeke is frozen, looking at Eli to me back to Eli then me again, "You never told me you had a sister?" He accuses me folding his arms angrily.

"I didn't know until she arrived." I admit looking down, knowing it means that I will have to tell him everything now. It wouldn't make any sense that I didn't know I had a sister if I had a happy family.

"How can you not know you had a sister? What did you live in separate houses or something?" Zeke questions some more, he stares at me expectantly.

"Something like that." Eli answers her voice back to normal, I turn to look at her and she has her wall back up, she could build the wall just as fast as it fell down.

Zeke looks at her, "You knew? You knew Four and you didn't tell me?"

"I don't know him as Four, Zeke. I didn't know you were talking about my brother when you said, "Oh you will see my other two friends at the bottom, Four and Tris." I mean come on." I hear her normal attitude back.

"What do you know him as then?" He questions her, she looks at me with an apologetic look, I give her a half smile and I shrug.

"Tobias...Tobias Eaton." I answer, looking at Zeke's reaction, he stares in shock.

" are Marcus's son? The one about the beating accusations?" Zeke like everyone else in this city knew about those accusations. I haven't admitted it to anyone other than Tris. Now it is time to admit it all over again.

"They aren't accusations, Zeke, it is true." I reply, looking down at my feet, I feel a little squeeze in my hand, I look at my hand and see Eli still holding my hand.

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