Chapter 12: Memories

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I start walking with Four and my friends until I hear a voice calling my name, "Eli, can I speak to you for a moment?" I turn to look back to see Max looking at me authority in his eyes. That is when I knew it was an order.

I turn to walk back to him, I could see that Four and everyone tensing when Max called me back. When I stood in front of him, I saw him waiting until my friends were out of sight. Then and only then did he look down to me.

"That was impressive, what you did there. I just want to ask a few questions, in my office." Max speaks still with authority in his voice, he stepped aside, silently telling me that his office was in the direction that was once behind him.

Questions? Why does he need to ask me questions? Damn I should have lay low; I shouldn't have made a scene. Shit I'm in trouble.

I walk passed him though, "What sort of questions?" I couldn't help but ask, I hate being asked questions, it just meant I had to lie and I hate lying.

Max was walking behind me telling when to turn left or right, "Just about you in general, where you learnt to fight, how are so strong for a being from abnegation."

I refrain from sighing, "You know you are all quite stereotypical about people from abnegation."

Max was made a 'tut' noise, "the abnegation fraction is about selfless, if you trained yourself and made yourself strong then is classed as selfish, and as we are dauntless we need to know why."

"Abnegation is about selflessness." I state, though I know myself it isn't true, Marcus, my father was their leader and he was a selfish person, I carry on. "It wouldn't be selfish if I was training to protect someone."

"So you trained to protect someone? From what?" Max questioned, he finally leads me to his office shutting the door behind him. He points to the chair sending me yet another unspoken order of 'sit down' I do as he asks and sits down, well falls in the chair, that when I realise how tired I am.

Max seemed to be keen for me to spill all of Abnegation's secrets, "so what were you protecting someone from?"

I look at him and fold my arms, "Faction before blood right?"

Max smirks, his eyebrow raising up, "Exactly."

I slide down the chair, I wish I could just disappear right now, "I don't want to talk about it."

"So you are protecting the abnegation now?" He accuses me which boils my blood so much, I would never protect a faction that didn't even know I was alive never mind Marcus beating me.

"Hell no!" I burst out, my hands slam on the table out of anger, "I would never protect that faction, I just don't want to talk about it!" .

His eyes grow wide at my outburst but he some composes his face glancing at my hands seeing my gloves, I knew what question was coming next and I was shaking my head as he was asking it, "Why do you wear gloves, Eli?" he just looks at me expectantly.

"I don't want people to look at my hands." I mutter though I knew he heard me. I decide to cross my arms.

"Why?" he asks innocently.

"Like I'm just going to share that information." I say out of spite.

"You say you are not protecting abnegation but you do not say a bad thing about them." He comments and I knew he was making another accusation.

"Oh trust me I have a lot of bad things to say about the leader of abnegation." I say out of anger and I instantly wish I could take them back, because when I see him looking back at me I see fascination in his eyes.

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